

陳建盛 助理教授


辦公室電話 02-2905-2475

實驗室電話 02-2905-3583






清華大學化學學士 (1998)

清華大學化學碩士 (2000)

中研院生物化學研究所碩士助理 (2001)

台灣大學化學博士 (2007)

中研院生物化學研究所博士後研究員 (2011)

美國加州大學戴維斯分校博士後研究員 (2012)

輔仁大學助理教授 (2013.02)


1.     亞太核磁共振光譜學—2009年輕科學學人

2.     國際唾液酸化學及生理學會—2010傑出著作學人

3.     台灣核磁共振光譜學會—2010傑出年輕學者

4.     國科會千里馬計畫—2003-2004



生物有機化學, 醣蛋白偵測, 複合聲學




26. Chen, C.-S.*, Li, H.-Z.; Wu, J.-J., C. B. Speaker Diaphragm Structure. United States Patent US 2020/0077195 A1.

25. Xu , L.; Luo, C.-H.; Chen, C.-S.*. Halogenation and anomerization of glycopyranoside by TESH/bromine and BHQ/bromine. J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 2020, 25, 1-7.

24. Li, H.-Z.; Wu, J.-J.; Lee, W.-J.; Chen, C.-S.* Improving the High-Frequency Response of PEI-based Earphone with Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin. Molecules, 2020, 25, 219-228.

23. Chen, C.-S.*; Xu, L.; Lee, W.-J. Electrochemical lactonization of trisialic acid. J. Chin. Chem. Soc. 2018, 1245-1250.

22. 陳建盛, 李濠志, 李維仁, 音膜結構. 中華民國發明專利第I683583, 中國大陸發明專利證書號第4206234.

21. Chen, C.-S.*; Lee, W.-J. Study of the Enzymatic Activity of Arthrobacter ureafaciens Neuraminidase by Isothermal Titration Calorimetry. J. Chin. Chem. Soc. 2018, 271–275.

20. Lai, Y.-C.; Luo, C.-H.; Chou, H.-C.; Yang, C.-J.; Lu, L. Chen, C.-S.* Conversion of b-glycopyranoside to a-glycopyranoside by photo-activated radical reaction. Tetrahedron Lett. 2016, 57, 2474–2477.



19. Tsai, C.-C.; Yang, F.-L.; Huang, Z.-H.; Chen, C.-S.; Yang, Y.-L.; Hua, K.-F. Li, J.; Chen, S.-T. Wu, S.-H. Oligosaccharide and Peptidoglycan of Ganoderma lucidum Activate the Immune Response in Human Mononuclear Cells. J. Agric. Food Chem. 201260, 2830−2837.

18. Chen, C.-S.*; Yu, Y.-P.; Cheng, M.-C.; Zou, W.; Fang, J.-M.; Wu, S.-H.* Evaluation of the Regioselective Delactonization of Tri-Sialic Acid Lactone by In-Solution Molecular Dynamics Simulation. Carbohydr. Res. 2012354, 87-93. (*Corresponding Author)

17. Liaw, C.-C.; Liao, W.-Y.; Chen, C.-S.; Wu, Y.-C.; Jao, S.-C. Shen, C.-N.; Wu, S.-H., Calcium- chelating capability of acetogenins modulates their cytotoxicity. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201150, 7885-7891.

16. Eckert, T.; Lu, C.-P; Chen, C.-S.; Wu, S.-H.; Gervay-Hague J.*, NMR studies of the reversible and regioselective lactonization of α-2,8-linked trisialic acid in aqueous acid. Tetrahedron Lett. 201152, 2250-2253.

15. Liao, J.-H.Chen, C.-S.; Lin, I.-L.; Huang, Y.-H.; Tsai, M.-H.; Huang, F.-Y.; Wu, T.-H. Hu, C.-C. Wu, S.-H., Ditopic Complexation of Selenite Anion or Calcium Cation by Pirenoxine: Implications for Cataract Prevention. Inorg. Chem. 201150, 365-377. ( Equal contribution to this work, ACS selected paper)

14. Yu, Y.-P.; Wu, A.-T.; Zou, W.; Chen, C.-S.*; Wu, S.-H.*, Recognition between a divalent sialyl molecule and wheat germ agglutinin. Tetrahedron Lett. 200950, 6130-6132. (*Corresponding Author)

13. Liao, J.-H.; Chen, C.-S.; Maher, T.-J.; Liu, C.-Y.; Lin, M.-H.; Wu, T.-H.; Wu, S.-H., Astaxanthin interacts with selenite and attenuates selenite-induced cataractogenesis. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 200922, 518-525.

12. Chen, C.-S.*; Yu, Y.-P.; Lin, B.-C.; Gervay-Hague, J.; Fang, J.-M.; Hsu, C.-P.; Wu, S. H.*, The observation of the C–H ··· Osp3 hydrogen bond in trisialic acid lactone and its implications for cooperative lactonization. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2009, 3351-3356. (*Corresponding Author and Selected as Cover Picture)



11. Chen, C.-S.; Yu, Y.-P.; Hsu, C.-H.; Wu, Y.-T.; Zou, W.; Fang, J.-M.; Wu, S.-H., Conformation of trisialic acid lactone: NMR spectroscopic analysis and molecular dynamics simulation. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2007, 3648-3654.

10. Chen, C.-S.; Wu, S.-H.; Wu, Y.-Y.; Fang, J.-M.; Wu, T.-H., Properties of astaxanthin/Ca2+ complex formation in the deceleration of cis/trans isomerization. Org. Lett. 20079, 2985-2988.

9. Shao, H.; Ekthawatchai, S.; Chen, C.-S.; Wu, S.-H.; Zou, W., 1,2-migration of 2'-oxoalkyl group and concomitant synthesis of 2-C-branched O-, S-glycosides and glycosyl azides via 1,2-cyclopropanated sugars. J. Org. Chem. 200570, 4726-4734.

8. Yang, F.-L.; Lu, C.-P.; Chen, C.-S.; Chen, M.-Y.; Hsiao, H.-L.; Su, Y.; Tsay, S.-S.; Zou, W.; Wu, S.-H., Structural determination of the polar glycoglycerolipids from thermophilic bacteria Meiothermus taiwanensis. Eur. J. Biochem. 2004271, 4545-4551.

7. Lu, T.-L.; Chen, C.-S.; Yang, F.-L.; Fang, J.-M.; Chen, M.-Y.; Tsay, S.-S.; Li, J.; Zou, W.; Wu, S.-H., Structure of a major glycolipid from Thermus oshimai NTU-063. Carbohydr. Res. 2004339, 2593-2598.

6. Ren, C.-T.; Chen, C.-S.; Yu, Y.-P.; Tsai, Y.-F.; Lin, P.-Y.; Chen, Y.-J.; Zou, W.; Wu, S.-H., Synthesis of alpha-(2-->5)Neu5Gc oligomers. Chem. Eur. J. 20039, 1085-1095.

5. Kuo, L.-J.; Liao, J.-H.; Chen, C.-T.; Huang, C.-H.; Chen, C.-S.; Fang, J.-M., Two-arm ferrocene amide compounds: synclinal conformations for selective sensing of dihydrogen phosphate ion. Org. Lett. 20035, 1821-1824.

4. Ren, C.-T.; Chen, C.-S.; Wu, S.-H., Synthesis of a sialic acid dimer derivative, 2'alpha-O-benzyl Neu5Ac-alph-(2-->5)Neu5Gc. J. Org. Chem. 200267, 1376-1379.



3. Lee, J.-C.; Chang, S.-W.; Liao, C.-C.; Chi, F.-C.; Chen, C.-S.; Wen, Y.-S.; Wang, C.-C.; Kulkarni, S.-S.; Puranik, R.; Liu, Y.-H.; Hung, S.-C., From D-glucose to biologically potent L-hexose derivatives: synthesis of alpha-L-iduronidase fluorogenic detector and the disaccharide moieties of bleomycin A2 and heparan sulfate. Chem. Eur. J. 200410, 399-415.

2. Hung, S.-C.; Wang, C.-C.; Chang, S.-W.; Chen, C.-S., 1,6-Anhydro-b-L-hexopyranoses as Valuable Building Blocks Toward the Synthesis of L-Gulosamine and L-Altrose Derivatives. Tetrahedron Lett. 200142, 1321-1324.

1. Hung, S.-C.; Chen, C.-S., Efficient Synthesis of 1,2,3,4,6-Penta-O-acetyl-L-idopyranose. J. Chin. Chem. Soc. 200047, 1257-1262.