李竹平 助理教授










輔仁大學化學系 助理教授 (2022~)

輔仁大學化學系 專案助理教授 (2021~)

中研院原子與分子科學研究所 短期訪問學者 (2021)

國立嘉義大學應用化學系 專案助理教授 (2019~2021)

美國韋恩州立大學化學系 (2018~2019)

國立台灣大學化學系博士 (2012~2018)

國立台灣大學化學系碩士 (2009~2011)

輔仁大學化學系學士 (2005~2009)





Ionization Technique in Mass Spectrometry (游離源開發)

Mass Spectrometry Imaging (質譜影像)

Sensors (感測器)

Environmental Chemistry (環境化學)

Natural Product Analysis (天然物分析)


1.         Chuping Lee*, Tzu-Ling Yang, Yu-Zhen Yao, Jian-You Li, Cheng-Liang Huang, Rapid Detection of Perfluorinated Sulfonic Acids Through Preconcentration by Bubble Bursting and Surface-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization. J. Mass Spectrom., 2021, 56(4), e4667

2.         Chuping Lee, Ellen D. Inutan, Jien Lian Chen, Mutanu M. Mukeku, Steffen M. Weidner, Sarah Trimpin, and Chi-Kung Ni*, Toward Understanding of the Ionization Mechanism of Matrix-Assisted Ionization using Mass Spectrometry Experiment and Theory. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 2021, 35(S1), e8382

3.         Penghsuan Huang, Chun-Ying Huang, Ta-Chun Lin, Li-En Lin, Ethan Yang, Chuping Lee*, Cheng-Chih Hsu*, and Pi-Tai Chou*, Toward the Rational Design of Universal Dual Polarity Matrix for MALDI Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Chem., 2020, 92(10), 7139-7145.

4.         Chih-Hao Lin, Chuping Lee, Yu-Cheng Wu, I-Chung Lu*, Quantitative Analysis of Adenosine Nucleotides by Ionic Liquid Matrices in Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization. Molecules, 2020, 25(5), 1217.

5.         Yue Cao, Chuping Lee, Eric T. J. Davis, Weimeng Si, Fagang Wang*, Sarah Trimpin*, Long Luo*, 1000-Fold Preconcentration of Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) within 10 min via Electrochemical Aerosol Formation. Anal. Chem., 2019, 91, 14352-14358.

6.         林智皓(Chih-Hao Lin), 李竹平(Chuping Lee), 盧臆中(I-Chung Lu)*, 基質輔助雷射脫附游離法之研究與展望, 化學季刊, 2019, 77(2), 153-163.

7.         Chuping Lee, and Chi-Kung Ni*, Soft Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization for Labile Glycoconjugates. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 2019, 30(8), 1455–1463.

8.         Sarah Trimpin*, Ellen D. Inutan, Santosh Karki, Efstathios A. Elia, Wen-Jing Zhang, Steffen M. Weidner, Darrell D. Marshall, Khoa Hoang, Chuping Lee, Eric T. J. Davis, Veronica Smith, Anil K. Meher, Mario A. Cornejo, Gregory W. Auner, Charles N. McEwen, Fundamental Studies of New Ionization Technologies and Insights from IMS-MS. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 2019, 30(6), 1133–1147.

9.         Sarah Trimpin*, Chuping Lee, Steffen M. Weidner, Tarick J. El-Baba, Corinne A. Lutomski, Ellen D. Inutan, Casey D. Foley, Chi-Kung Ni, Charles N. McEwen, Unprecedented Ionization Processes in Mass Spectrometry Provide Missing Link between ESI and MALDI. ChemPhysChem, 2018, 19(5), 581-589.

10.     Jien-Lian Chen, Chuping Lee, I-Chung Lu, Chia-Lung Chien, Yuan-Tseh Lee, Wei-Ping Hu, and Chi-Kung Ni*, Theoretical Investigation of Low Detection Sensitivity for Underivatized Carbohydrates in ESI and MALDI. J. Mass Spectrom., 2016, 51(12) 1180-1186.

11.     Chuping Lee, I-Chung Lu, Hsu-Chen Hsu, Hou-Yu Lin, Sheng-Ping Liang, Yuan-Tseh Lee, and Chi-Kung Ni*, Formation of Metal-Related Ions in Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 2016, 27(9) 1491-1498.

12.     Chung Lu, Chuping Lee, Yuan-Tseh Lee, and Chi-Kung Ni*, Ionization Mechanism of Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization. Annu. Rev. Anal. Chem., 2015, 8(1) 21-39.

13.     Chung Lu, Chuping Lee, Hui-Yuan Chen, Hou-Yu Lin, Sheng-Wei Hung, Yuri A Dyakov, Kuo-Tung Hsu, Chih-Yu Liao, Yin-Yu Lee, Chien-Ming Tseng, Yuan-Tseh Lee, and Chi-Kung Ni*, Ion intensity and thermal proton transfer in ultraviolet matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization. J. Phys. Chem. B, 2014, 118(15) 4132-4139.