楊小青 教授 |
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國立中山大學化學系 學士 (1999) 國立中山大學化學系 博士 (2004) 國立台灣大學化學所 博士後研究員 (2004-2005) 美國 The Ohio State University 博士後研究員(2006)
輔仁大學化學系 助理教授 (2006~2012.1) 輔仁大學化學系 副教授(2012.2∼2019.1) 輔仁大學化學系 教授 (2019.2∼) 輔仁大學研發處研究管理中心主任(2018.8∼2020.7) |
專業服務 獲獎記錄 |
1. 輔仁大學 106 年度 「指標性期刊論文獎勵」 2. 科技部104 年度「吳大猷先生紀念獎」 3. 輔仁大學103 年度輔仁大學「傑出研究獎」 4. 日本高分子學會101 年度「2013第62屆日本高分子學會年會亞洲傑出青年研究獎“an Invited Lecture of Asia Excellence”」 5. Science 科學雜誌 101
年度 研究獲得Science 科學雜誌編輯矚目,獲選為2011,333當期Editors’ Choice化學領域重點摘要文章[Science, 2011, 333, 500]. 教師指導研究生參加全國性年研究競賽獲獎 1. 2020 台灣中子科學學會 109 年度 「壁報特優獎」獲獎學生 林尚緯 2. 2019 Asia-Oceania Neutron Scattering
Association 108 年度「Best Poster Award」獲獎學生 葛詠綺 3. 2019 Taiwan Theoretical and
Computational Molecular Sciences Association 107年度 「Best Poster
Award」獲獎學生 林尚緯 4. 2018日本振興學會 106年度「櫻花學者獎助研究訪問」獲獎學生 葛詠綺 5. 中國化學會106 年度「2017年中國化學年會優秀壁報獎 物理化學」獲獎學生 葛詠綺 6. 中國化學會106 年度「2017年中國化學年會優秀壁報獎 物理化學」獲獎學生 吳澄翔 7. 中國化學會105年度「2016年中國化學年會優秀壁報獎 物理化學」獲獎學生 葛詠綺 8. 國家同步輻射研究中心(NSRRC) 105
年度「Student Poster Session in Biological
Science Outstanding Research 」獲獎學生 黃明怡 9. The ACS International Chemical Science
Chapter of Taiwan 105 年度 「Outstanding Oral Presentation」獲獎學生 黃明怡 10. 國科會自然處計算化學組101 年度 「Theoretical and
Computational Chemistry Association in Taiwan Outstanding Honor Award」學生專題研究英文演講 第一名 獲獎學生 翁詩惠 11. 輔仁大學理工學院 101 年度 「理工學院英文演講 第一名」指導學生 翁詩惠 12. 中國化學年會(全國性) 100 年度 「2011年化學年會壁報論文獎 佳作」獲獎學生 陳筱惠 翁詩惠 13. 中華民國高分子學會(全國性) 100 年度 「2011 高分子學會年會壁報論文-光電高分子 優勝」獲獎學生 秦艾迪 14. 中華民國高分子學會(全國性) 100 年度 「2011 高分子學會年會壁報論文-光電高分子 佳作」獲獎學生楊承翰 15. 中華民國高分子學會(全國性) 99 年度 「2011 高分子學會年會壁報論文-光電高分子 優勝」獲獎學生 楊承翰 |
學術專長 |
物理化學 |
研究領域 |
分子動力模擬 時間光譜解析 酵素藥物動力學 X光/中子散射研究 |
研究重點 |
有鑒於膜蛋白之化學結構功能, 一直是生醫化學研究的重要課題, 如何有效研究膜蛋白的化學結構與功能是重要課題但也是瓶頸之處, 在蛋白質表達純化養晶及 X光晶体繞射解析上的困難, 尤其無法解析水耦合蛋白構象動態與對應催化角色及功能. 我們致力於發展進階分子動力模擬結合螢光探針時間光譜與X光散射光譜解析技術, 建立水合生物膜蛋白化學結構動態與機理暨功能與應用之研究平台,有助於功能性合成與酵素改質暨藥物抗體設計與開發。 目前我們的研究主題包括: 1.
血栓素合成酶 (TXAS) 與前列環素合成酶(PGIS)為細胞色素P450 家族血基質蛋白,兩者的產物功能性相互結抗,是調控人體心血管的重要酵素. 迄今,前列環素合成酶已取得x-ray 結晶結構,但血栓素合成酶因缺乏X-ray 結晶結構而在構型的資訊有所限制。利用同源蛋白模擬我們成功地建立出TXAS構型,並結合分子動力學模擬與量子化學計算探討TXAS與PGIS在活性口袋中的水耦合血基質環境與反應. 2.
建立探測酵素蛋白次級結構機械感應與催化調控之學理實驗探測,應用於酵素改質工程和藥物靶標識別設計上。 3.
發展先進光源散射水相生物分子結構鑒定並應用中子源散射技術於水相生物分子系統之研究. 4.
發展人工智慧化學計算與結構動態功能解析平台. 我們歡迎對上述研究主題有興趣的成員加入我們研究團隊, 如果你思考過相關問題,或剛好你就是這方面的專家,竭誠歡迎加入我們! 我們也積極尋求各種跨領域的合作機會! Structure-Dynamics-Function
in Enzyme Mechanochemical Regulations and Computer-Aided Drug Discovery 1.“Temperature Effect on Water Dynamics in Tetramer Phosphofructokinase
Matrix and the Super-Arrhenius Respiration Rate”, Scientific Reports 2020, accepted. Integrating Innovated Methodologies of Computational Chemical Dynamics and Biomacromolecular Small Sngle Scattering (BioSAS) and Imaging 2.“Molecular
Dynamics Simulation Combined with small-angle X-ray/Neutron Scattering
Defining Solution State Protein Structures”, Journal of the Chinese
Chemical Society 2020, accepted. J. Phys. Chem. B 2017, 121, 11229-11240. Probing Water Coupled Protein Dynamics and Water
Micro-solvation in Metalloenzyme (Porphyrin) Catalysis 3.“Probing Ligand Binding to Thromboxane Synthase” Biochemistry 2013, 52, 1113 Computational Chemical Dynamics of MetalloCarbene Olefin Metathesis 1.“Carbene Rotamer Switching Explains
the Reverse Trans Effect in Forming the Grubbs Second-Generation Olefin Metathesis Catalyst” Organometallics,
2011, 30, 4196. |
代表著作 |
Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?hl=en&user=zjk-oKcAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate 2011-present 1.
“Temperature Effect on Water Dynamics
in Tetramer Phosphofructokinase Matrix and the Super-Arrhenius Respiration
Rate” Hsiao-Ching Yang*, Yung-Chi Ge, Kuan-Hsuan
Su, Chia-Cheng Chang, King-Chuen Lin, Vincenzo Aquilanti, and Toshio Kasai*,
Scientific Reports, 2021, 11(1), 1-14. IF:
3.998, Multidisciplinary Sciences, Q1, rank: 17/71. (link) 2. “Molecular
Dynamics Simulation Combined with small-angle X-ray/Neutron Scattering
Defining Solution State Protein Structures.”Shang-Wei
Lin, Kuan-Hsuan Su, Yi-Qi Yeh, U-Ser Jeng, Chun-Ming Wu, Hsiao-Ching, Yang*.
Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2020, Special Issue Dedicated to Prof. Chung‐Yuan Mou. accepted.
IF:1.554, Chemistry, Multidisciplinary, Q3, rank:
120/177. (link) 3.
“Probing Interactions between
Metal–Organic Frameworks and Freestanding Enzymes in a Hollow Structure.” Sheng-Yu
Chen, Wei-Shang Lo, Yi-Da Huang, Xiaomeng Si, Fu-Siang Liao, Shang-Wei Lin,
Benjamin P. Williams, Ting-Qian Sun, Hao-Wei Lin, Yuanyuan An, Tu Sun,
Yanhang Ma, Hsiao-Ching Yang*, Lien-Yang Chou*, Fa-Kuen Shieh*, and
Chia-Kuang Tsung*, Nano Lett., 2020, 20(9), 6630–6635. IF:
11.238, Physics Applied, Q1, rank: 11/155, top 7%. (link) 4.
“Could Chemical Reaction at the
Molecular Level Show Distinction between Two Liquid-Water States? Study of
the Excited-State Water-Catalyzed Proton Transfer Reaction Provides a Clue”
Yu-Hsuan Cheng, Hsiao-Ching Yang*, and Pi-Tai Chou*, J. Phys. Chem.
Lett., 2020, 11(21), 9468-9475. IF:
6.710, Chemistry Physical, Q1, rank: 3/37, top 8%. (link) 5.
an indole-3-carbinol derivative, inhibits glutamate release in rat
cerebrocortical nerve terminals by suppressing the P/Q-type Ca2+ channels and
Ca2+/calmodulin/protein kinase A pathway.”
Cheng-Wei Lu, Tzu-Yu Lin, Hsiao-Ching Yang, Chi-Feng Hung, Jing-Ru
Weng, Der-Chen Chang, Su-Jane Wang*. Neurochemistry International, 2020,
140: 104845. IF: 3.811, Neuro Science, Q2,
rank: 95/272. (link) 6.
“Substrate Channeling of
Prostaglandin H2 on the Stereochemical Control of a Cascade Cyclization
Route” Hsiao-Ching Yang*,
Yung-Chi Ge, Cheng-Han Yang , and Wei-Chih Chao, ACS catalysis 2018, 8,
2534-2545. IF: 12.350, Chemistry Physical,
Q1, rank: 12/159, top 7%. (link) 7.
“Unveiling the water-associated
conformational mobility in the active site of ascorbate peroxidase”Wei-Chih
Chao, Li-Ju Lin, Jyh-Feng Lu*, Jinn-Shyan Wang*, Tzu-Chieh Lin, Yi-Han Chen,
Yi-Ting Chen, Hsiao-Ching Yang, Pi-Tai Chou.BBA-General Subjects 2018,
1862 (3), 451-459. IF:3.422, Biophysics,
Q2, rank: 19/71. (link) 8.
“Homology Modeling and
Molecular Dynamics Simulation Combined with X-ray Solution Scattering
Defining Protein Structures of Thromboxane and Prostacyclin Synthases” Hsiao-Ching
Yang*, Cheng-Han Yang, Ming Yi Huang, Jyh-Feng Lu, Jinn-Shyan Wang,
Yi-Qi Yeh, U-Ser Jeng, J. Phys. Chem. B 2017, 121(50),
11229-11240. IF: 3.051, Chemistry Physical,
Q2, rank: 76/159. (link) 9.
“The In Situ Tryptophan Analogue
Probes the Conformational Dynamics in Asparaginase Isozymes”
Wei-Chih Chao, Jiun-Yi Shen, Cheng-Han Yang, Yi-Kang Lan, Jui-Hung Yuan,
Li-Ju Lin, Hsiao-Ching Yang*, Jyh-Feng Lu, Jinn-Shyan Wang, Kevin Wee,
You-Hua Chen, Pi-Tai*, Biophysical Journal 2016, 110(8),
1732–1743. IF: 3.854, Biophysics, Q1, rank:
15/71. (link) 10. “Probing
the polarity and water environment at the protein-peptide binding interface
using tryptophan analogues”Yi-Ting Chen, Wei-Chih
Chao, Hsiou-Ting Kuo, Jiun-Yi Shen, I-Han Chen, Hsiao-Ching Yang,
Jinn-Shyan Wang, Jyh-Feng Lu, Richar d P Cheng*, Pi-Tai Chou*.Biophysics
Reports 2016, 7, 113-118. IF:
4.105, Cell Biology, Q2, rank: 77/195. (link) 11. “Probing
Water Environment of Trp59 in Ribonuclease T1: Insight of the Structure−Water
Network Relationship” Wei-Chih Chao, Jiun-Yi Shen, Jyh-Feng
Lu,*,Jinn-Shyan Wang,*, Hsiao-Ching Yang,*, Kevin Wee, Li-Ju Lin, Yi-Ching
Kuo, Cheng-Han Yang, Shih-Hui Weng, Huai-Ching Huang, You-Hua Chen,
and Pi-Tai Chou*, J. Phys. Chem. B ,2015, 119(6), 2157. 12. “Probing
Water Micro-solvation in Proteins by Water Catalyzed Proton-Transfer
Tautomerism.” Jiun-Yi Shen, Wei-Chih Chao,
Chun Liu, Hsiao-An Pan, Hsiao-Ching Yang*, Chi-Lin Chen, Yi-Kang Lan,
Li-Ju Lin, Jinn-Shyan Wang, Jyh-Feng Lu, Steven Chun-Wei Chou, Kuo-Chun Tang
and Pi-Tai Chou* Nature Communication 2013, 4, 2611. IF:12.121,
Multidisciplinary Sciences, Q1, rank: 6/71, top 8%. (link) 13. “On
the Stereoselectivity of Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP) of
N-Arylpyrrolidine-Fused Cyclobutenes with Molybdenum– and
Ruthenium–Alkylidene Catalyst” Nai-Ti, Lin,
Yuan-Zhen, Ke, Kamani Satyanarayana, Shou-Ling Huang, Yi-Kang Lan, Hsiao-Ching
Yang, and Tien-Yau Luh* Macromolecules 2013, 46, 18,
7173–7179. IF:5.918, polymer science, Q1,
rank:7/89. (link) 14. “Probing
Ligand Binding to Thromboxane Synthase” Wei-Chih Chao,
Jyh-Feng Lu, Jinn-Shyan Wang,* Hsiao-Ching Yang, Tai-An Pan, Steven
Chun-Wei Chou, Lee-Ho Wang, and Pi-Tai Chou Biochemistry 2013, 52(6),
1113. IF:2.865, Biochemistry &
Molecular Biology, Q3, rank: 169/297. (link) 15. “Vitamin
E Facilitates the Inactivation of the Kinase Akt by the Phosphatase PHLPP1”Po-Hsien
Huang, Hsiao-Ching Chung, Chih-Chien Chou, Huiling Wang, Su-Lin Lee, Hsiao-Ching
Yang, Hao-Chieh Chiu, Naval Kapuriya,Dasheng Wang, Samuel K. Kulp, and
Ching-Shih Chen,* Science Signaling (AAAS) 2013, 6 (267),
ra19. IF:6.378, Biochemistry &
Molecular Biology, Q1, rank: 39/297. (link) 16. “Ambipolar
carrier transport properties in a built-indonor–acceptor discogen” Li-Yin
Chen, Fei-Hsiung Chien*, Yen-Wei Liu, Wenjun Zheng, Cheng-Yan Chiang, Chia-Yi
Hwang, Chi-Wi Ong, Yi-Kang Lan, Hsiao Ching Yang, Organic Electronics 2013,
14 (8), 2065-2070. IF:3.310, Physics
Applied, Q2, rank: 41/155. (link) 17. “Identification
of Kazinol Q, a Natural Productfrom Formosan Plants, as an Inhibitor of
DNAMethyltransferase” Jing-Ru Weng*, I-Lu Lai, Hsiao-Ching
Yang, Chun-Nan Lin, and Li-Yuan Bai PHYTOTHERAPY RESEARCH Phytother. Res.
2013, 28 (1), 49-54. IF:4.087,
Chemistry Medicinal, Q1, rank: 15/61. (link) 18. “Sp1
phosphorylation by cyclin-dependent kinase 1/cyclin B1 represses its
DNA-binding activity during mitosis in cancer cells”Jian-Ying
Chuang, Susan A Wang, Wu-Bin Yang, Hsiao-Ching Yang, Chiung-Yu Hung,
Tsung-Ping Su, Wen-Cheng Chang, Jan-Jong Hung*.Oncogene 2012, 31,
4946-4959. IF:7.971, Genetics &
Heredity, Q1, rank: 14/178, top:7%. (link) 19. “Probing
the Interaction between Prostacyclin Synthase and Prostaglandin H2 Analogues
or Inhibitors via Combination of Resonance Raman Spectroscopy and Molecular
Dynamics Simulation Approaches” Wei-Chih Chao,
Jyh-Feng Lu, Jinn-Shyan Wang, Hsiao-Ching Yang,* Hsiao-Hui Chen,
Yi-Kang Lan, Ya-Chien Yu, Pi-Tai Chou*, and Lee-Ho Wang J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011,
133 (46), 18870–18879. IF:14.612, Chemistry,
Multidisciplinary, Q1, rank: 13/177, top:7%. (link) 20. “Targeting
Energy Metabolic and Oncogenic Signaling Pathways in Triple-negative Breast
Cancer by a Novel Adenosine Monophosphate-activated Protein Kinase (AMPK)
Activator” Kuen-Haur Lee, En-Chi Hsu,
Jih-Hwa Guh, Hsiao-Ching Yang, Dasheng Wang, Samuel K. Kulp, Charles
L. Shapiro and Ching-Shih Chen,* Journal of Biological Chemistry 2011,
286 (45), 39247-39258. IF:4.106, Biochemistry
& Molecular Biology, Q2, rank: 87/297. (link) 21. “Carbene Rotamer Switching Explains the
Reverse Trans Effect in Forming the Grubbs Second-Generation Olefin
Metathesis Catalyst” Hsiao-Ching Yang,*
Yen-Chin Huang, Yikang Lan, Tien-Yau Luh, Yan Zhao and Donald G. Truhlar*
Organometallics 2011, 30 (15), 4196–4200. IF:3.804,
Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear, Q1, rank: 6/45, top 13%.(link) Science
Editors’Choice highlight [Science, 2011, 333, 500]. 22. “Chiral
amplification in one-dimensional helical nanostructures self-organized from
phenylethynyl thiophene with elaborated long-chain dicarboxamides.”
Chun-Hsian Li, Kai-Chi Chang, Chia-Chen Tsou, Yikang Lan, Hsiao-Ching
Yang*, and Shih-Sheng Sun* J. Org. Chem. 2011, 76, 14,
5524–5530 IF:4.335, CHEMISTRY, ORGANIC, Q1,
rank: 9/57. (link) 23.
"Enforced liquid crystalline
properties of dibenzo [a, c] phenazine dimer and self assembly" Mei-Chun
Tzeng,a Su-Chih Liao, Tsu-Hsin Chang, Shih-Chi Yang, Min-Wei Weng, Hsiao-Ching
Yang, Michael Y. Chiang, Zhang Kai, Jishan Wuc and Chi Wi Ong* Journal of
Materials Chemistry 2011, 21 (6), 1704-1712. IF:6.626
(link) Before 2010 1.
“Theoretical Investigations of
Electronic Structure and Charge-Transport Properties in the
Polythiophene-Based Organic Field‐Effect Transistors.”Yi-Kang
Lan, Cheng Han Yang, and Hsiao-Ching Yang*.Polymer International 2010,
59 (1), 16-21.(link) 2.
“A new
Cd4-2,4-pyridinedicarboxylate layered coordination polymer consisting of
intralayer cavities and reversible network self-adaptation upon
dehydration/moisture-absorption.”Yen-Hsiang Liu*,
Hsiao-Ping Fang, Pei-Ci Jhang, Chia-Chien Peng, Po-Hsiu Chien, Hsiao-Ching
Yang, Yun-Chieh Huang, and Yu-Lin Lo. CrystEngComm 2010, 12
(6), 1779-1783.(link) 3.
“A new
Cd4-2,4-pyridinedicarboxylate layered coordination polymer consisting of
intralayer cavities and reversible network self-adaptation upon
dehydration/moisture-absorption.”Yen-Hsiang Liu*, Hsiao-Ping Fang, Pei-Ci
Jhang, Chia-Chien Peng, Po-Hsiu Chien, Hsiao-Ching Yang, Yun-Chieh
Huang, and Yu-Lin Lo, CrystEngComm, 2010, 12, 1779. (link) 4.
“Theoretical Investigations of
Electronic Structure and Charge-Transport Properties in the Polythiophene
Based OFETs” Yi-Kang Lan, Cheng Han Yang, and Hsiao-Ching Yang*
Polymer International 2010, 59, 16. (link) 5.
“Oligomeric Tectonics:
Supramolecular Assembly of Double Stranded Oligobisnorbornene via π-π
Stacking” Shern-Long Lee, Nai-Ti Lin, Wei-Chih Liao, Chun-hsien Chen,* Hsiao-Ching
Yang,* and Tien-Yau Luh* Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15, 11594. (link) 6.
“Thiazolidinediones Mimic Glucose
Starvation in Facilitating Sp1 Degradation Through the Upregulation of
β-TRCP” Shuo Wei, Hsiao-Ching Chuang, Wan-Chi Tsai, Hsiao-Ching Yang,
Shiuh-Rong Ho, Andrew J. Paterson, Samuel K. Kulp, and Ching-Shih Chen*
Molecular Pharmacology 2009, 76, 47. (link) 7.
“A Novel Mechanism by Which
Thiazolidinediones Facilitate the Proteasomal Degradation of Cyclin D1 in
Cancer Cells” Shuo Wei, Hsiao-Ching Yang, Hsiao-Ching Chuang, Jian
Yang, Samuel K. Kulp, Pei-Jung Lu, Ming-Derg Lai, and Ching-Shih Chen*
Journal of Biological Chemistry 2008, 283, 26759. (link) 8.
“One-Handed Helical Double
Stranded Polybisnorbornenes” Hui-Chun Yang, Sherng-Long Lee, Chun-hsien
Chen*, Nai-Ti Lin, Hsiao-Ching Yang, Bih-Yaw Jina and Tien-Yau Luh*
Chem. Commun. 2008, 46, 6158. (link) 9.
“On the Tacticity of
Polynorbornenes with 5,6-endo Pendant Groups That Contain SubstitutedAryl
Chromophores” Wei-Yu Lin, Hsian-Wen Wang, Zhi-Chang Liu, Jun Xu, Chih-Wei
Chen, Yun-Chin Yang, Shou-Ling Huang, Hsiao-Ching Yang, and Tien-Yau
Luh* Chemistry - An Asian Journal 2007, 2, 764–774. (link) 10. “A
Potent Indole-3-Carbinol–Derived Antitumor Agent with Pleiotropic Effects on
Multiple Signaling Pathways in Prostate Cancer Cells” Jing-Ru Weng, Chen-Hsun
Tsai, Samuel K. Kulp, Dasheng Wang, Chia-Hui Lin, Hsiao-Ching Yang,
Yihui Ma, Aaron Sargeant, Chang-Fang Chiu, Ming-Hsui Tsai, and Ching-Shih
Chen* Cancer Research 2007 67, 7815-7824. (link) 11. “Histone
Deacetylase Inhibitors Sensitize Prostate Cancer Cells to Agents That Produce
DNA Double-Strand Breaks by Targeting Ku70 Acetylation” Chang-Shi Chen,
Yu-Chieh Wang, Hsiao-Ching Yang, Po-Hsien Huang, Samuel K. Kulp, Chih-Cheng
Yang, Yen-Shen Lu, Shigemi Matsuyama, Ching-Yu Chen, and Ching-Shih Chen*
Cancer Research 2007, 67, 5318-5327. (link) 12. “Molecular
Architecture towards Helical Double Stranded Polymers” Hui-Chun Yang, Shu-Yi
Lin, Hsiao-Ching Yang, Cheng-Lan Lin, Lun Tsai, Shou-Ling Huang, I.
Wen-Peter Chen, Chun-hsien Chen*, Bih-Yaw Jin, and Tien-Yau Luh* Angew.
Chem. Int. Ed. 2006 118(5), 740-744. (link) 13. “On
the Rigidity of Polynorbornenes with Dipolar Pendant Groups” Wei-Yu Lin,
Modachur G. Murugesh, Sundarraj Sudhakar, Hsiao-Ching Yang, Hwan-Ching
Tai, Chia-Seng Chang, Yi-Hung Liu, Yu Wang, I-Wen Peter Chen, Chun-hsien
Chen, and Tien-Yau Luh*, Chem. Eur. J. 2005, 12, 324. (link) 14. “Density
Functional Theory Calculations of Dense TiO2 Polymorphs: Implication for
Visible-Light-Responsive Photocatalysts” Ming-Yu Kuo, Cheng-Lung Chen*,
Chih-Yu Hua, Hsiao-Ching Yang, and Pouyan Shen* J. Phys. Chem. B 2005,
109, 8693. (link) 15. “First-principles
calculation of prevailing faces of α-PbO2-type TiO2” Ming-Yu Kuo, Cheng-lung
Chen*, Hsiao-Ching Yang, Chih-Yu Hua, and Pouyan Shen* PHYSICAL
REVIEW B 2005, 71, 125405. (link) 16. “A
computer simulation study of water drying at the interface of protein chains”
Qiang Huang, Shangwu Ding, Chih-Yu Hua, Hsiao-Ching Yang, and
Cheng-Lung Chen* J. Chem. Phys. 2004, 121, 1969. (link) 17. “Computer
simulation of ionic and nonionic mixed surfactants in aqueous solution”
Ming-Yu Kuo, Hsiao-Ching Yang, Chih-Yu Hua, Cheng-Lung Chen*
ChemPhysChem 2004, 5, 575. (link) 18. “Computer
Simulation of Long Side-Chain Substituted Poly(phenylene vinylene) Polymers” Hsiao-Ching
Yang, Chih-Yu Hu, Ming-Yu Ku, Qiang Huang, and Cheng-Lung Chen*
ChemPhysChem 2004, 5, 373. (link) 19. “A
molecular dynamics simulation study on ion-conducting polymer sPBI-PS (Li+)” Hsiao-Ching
Yang, Qiang Huang, Chih-Yu Hua,Yi-Kang Lan and Cheng-Lung Chen* J. Chin.
Chem. Soc. 2003, 50(3B), 472. (link) 多尺度化學計算相關資訊可參見2013年12月第528期-2013諾貝爾獎特別報導:化學家的駭客任務—虛擬實境的化學實驗與研究創新http://scimonth.blogspot.tw/2013/12/blog-post_5649.html |