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  1. Pathak, A.; Shen, J. W.; Usman, M.; Wei, L. F.; Mendiratta, S.; Chang, Y. S.; Sainbileg, B.; Ngue, C. M.; Chen, R. S.; Hayashi, M.; Luo, T. T.; Chen, F. R.; Chen, K. H.;* Tseng, T. W.;* Chen, L. C.;* Lu, K. L.* "Integration of a (¡VCu¡VS¡V)n Plane in a Metal‒Organic Framework affords High Electrical Conductivity," Nat. Commun. 201910, 1721.
  2. Kao, Y. C.; Mendiratta, S.; Usman, M.; Wen, Y. S.; Wang, C. M.; Zhao, L.; Wu, M. K.; Lu, K. L.* "Exceptional Low Dielectric Behavior of Chemically Robust, Guest‐Free Co- and Mn-based Coordination Polymers," ChemElectroChem 20196, 623¡V626.
  3. Lin, C. C.; Huang, Y. C.; Usman, M.; Chao, W. H.; Lin, W. K.; Luo, T. T.; Whang, W. T.; Chen, C. H.;* Lu, K. L.* "Zr-MOF/Polyaniline Composite Films with Exceptional Seebeck Coefficient for Thermoelectric Materials Applications," ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019,11, 3400−3406.
  4. Usman, M.; Bera, K. P.; Haider, G.; Sainbileg, B.; Hayashi, M.; Lee, G. H.; Peng, S. M.; Chen, Y. F.;* Lu, K. L.* "Single-Molecule Based Electroluminescent Device as Future White Light Source," ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019,11, 4084−4092.
  5. Lee, L. W.; Kao, Y. C.; Chung, M. Y.; Chang, B. C.; Lee, G. H.; Peng, S. M.;  Wang, C. M.;* Liu, Y. H.;* Lee, S. L.;* Lu, K. L.* "Rare Metal-Ion Metathesis of Tetrahedral Zn(II) Core of a Noncentrosymmetric (3,4)-Connected 3D MOF," Dalton Trans. 201948, 1950−1954.
  6. Lee, L. W.; Pao, S. Y.; Pathak, A.; Kang, D. Y.;* Lu, K. L.* "Membrane Adsorber Containing a New Sm(III)¡VOrganic Framework for Dye Removal," Environ. Sci-Nano 20196, 1067−1076.
  7. Thanasekaran, P.; Luo, T. T.; Kao, Y. C.; Lin, C. C.; Yang, C. I.; Lu, K. L.* "Self-assembly: An Intriguing Relationship between Structures of Metal Complexes and Shapes of Ancient Chinese Characters," J. Chin. Chem. Soc. 2019, DOI: 10.1002/jccs.201900153.
  8. Usman, M.; Feng, P. H.; Chiou, K. R.; Chen, J. W.; Lee, L. W.; Liu, Y. H.;* Lu, K. L.* "Polar Molecule Confinement Effects on Dielectric Modulations of Sr-Based Metal−Organic Frameworks," ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2019, DOI: 10.1021/acsaelm.9b00007.
  9. Sathish, V,; Krishnan, M. M.; Velayudham, M.; Thanasekaran, P.; Lu, K. L.; Rajagopal, S.* "Host‒Guest Interaction Studies of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Alkoxy Bridged Binuclear Rhenium(I) Complexes," Spectrochim. Acta A Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc. 2019, DOI:10.1016/j.saa.2019.117160.
  10. Ngue, C. M.; Liu, Y. H.; Wen, Y. S.; Leung, M. K.;* Chiu, C. W.;* Lu, K. L.* "Spectroelectrochemical Studies of the Redox Active Tris[4-(triazol-1-yl)phenyl]amine Linker and Redox State Manipulation of Mn(II)/Cu(II) Coordination Frameworks," Dalton Trans. 2019, DOI: 10.1039/c9dt01729a.
  11. Lu, K. L.; Usman, M.; Chen, Y. F.; Haider, G,; Mendiratta, S.; Luo, T. T. "Organic Electroluminescent Material Containing Alkaline Earth Metal Based Metal¡VOrganic Frameworks and Organic Electroluminescent Device Using The Same," 2019, US Patent US 10,283,714 B2.
  1. Mendiratta, S.; Usman, M.; Lu, K. L.* "Expanding the Dimensions of Metal¡VOrganic Framework Research towards Dielectric," Coord. Chem. Rev. 2018360, 77¡V91.
  2. Huang, G. G.; Lee, C. J.; Yang, J.;* Lu, Z. Z.; Sathiyendiran, M.; Huang, C. Y.; Kao, Y. C.; Lee, G. H.; Lu, K. L. "Cavity-containing Rhenium Metallacycle Treated Evanescent Wave Infrared Chemical Sensors for the Selective Determination of Odorous Amines in the Atmosphere," Sens. Actuators B Chem. 2018254, 424¡V430.
  3. Tseng, T. W.;* Luo, T. T.; Chiu, H. S.; Wang, C. C.;* Lee, G. H.; Sheu, H. S.; Lu, K. L.* "Structural Transformations of Amino-Acid-Based Polymers: Syntheses and Structural Characterization," Polymers 201810, 360. (Invited)
  4. Ngue, C. M.; Chiu, C. W.; Lee, G. H.; Peng, S. M.; Leung, M. K.;* Yang, C. I.;* Liu, Y. H.;* Lu, K. L.* "A Co(II) Framework Derived from a Tris(4-(triazol-1-yl)phenyl)amine Redox-Active Linker: an Electrochemical and Magnetic Study," Dalton Trans. 201847, 9341¡V9346.
  5. Bera, K. P.; Haider, G.; Usman, M.; Roy, P. K.; Lin, H. I.; Liao, Y. M.; Inbaraj, C. R. P.; Liou, Y. R.; Kataria, M.; Lu, K. L.; Chen, Y. F.* "Trapped Photons Induced Ultrahigh External Quantum Efficiency and Photoresponsitivity in Hybrid Graphene/Metal¡VOrganic Framework Broadband Wearable Photodetectors" Adv. Funct. Mater. 201828, 1804802.
  6. Lin, T. R.; Lee, C. H.; Lan, Y. C.; Mendiratta, S.; Lai, L. L.; Wu, J. Y.;* Chi, K. M.;* and Lu, K. L.* "Paddlewheel SBU based Zn MOFs: Syntheses, Structural Diversity, and CO2 Adsorption Properties," Polymers 201810, 1398. (Invited)
  7. Lin, C. H.; Luo, S. H.; Lu, K. L. "Superhydrophobic Mesoporous Metal Organic Frameworks," 2018, ROC (Taiwan) Patent TW I641643.
  1. Usman, M.; Mendiratta, S.; Lu, K. L.* "Semiconductor Metal¡VOrganic Frameworks: Future Low Bandgap Materials," Adv. Mater. 2017, 29, 1605071.
  2. Lee, C. H.; Soldatov, D. V.; Tzeng, C. H.; Lai, L. L.;* Lu, K. L. "Design of a Peripheral Building Block for H-Bonded Dendritic Frameworks and Analysis of the Void Space in the Bulk Dendrimers," Sci. Rep. 20177, 3649.
  3. Mendiratta, S.; Usman, M.; Chang, C. C.; Lee, Y. C.; Chen, J. W.; Wu, M. K.; Lin, Y. C.;* Hsu, C. P.;* Lu, K. L.* "Zn(II)-Based Metal¡VOrganic Framework: an Exceptionally Thermally Stable, Guest-Free Low Dielectric Material," J. Mater. Chem. C 20175, 1508¡V1513.
  4. Pathak, A.; Chiou, G. R.; Gade, N. R.; Usman, M.; Mendiratta, S.; Luo, T. T.; Tseng, T. W.; Chen, J. W.; Chen, F. R.; Chen, K. H.;* Chen, L. C.;* Lu, K. L.* "High‑£e Samarium-Based Metal−Organic Framework for Gate Dielectric Applications," ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 20179, 21872¡V21878.
  5. Veerakumar, P.; Thanasekaran, P.; Lu, K. L.; Liu, S. B.; S. Rajagopal, S.* "Functionalized Silica Matrices and Palladium: A Versatile Heterogeneous Catalyst for Suzuki, Heck and Sonogashira Reactions," ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.2017, 5, 6357¡V6376.
  6. Veerakumar, P.;* Thanasekaran, P.;* Lu, K. L.; Lin, K. C.; S. Rajagopal, S.* "Computational Studies of Versatile Heterogeneous Palladium-Catalyzed Suzuki, Heck, and Sonogashira Coupling Reactions," ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.2017, 5, 8475¡V8490.
  7. Sathish, V.; Ramdass, A.; Velayudham, M.; Lu, K. L.;* Thanasekaran, P.;* S. Rajagopal, S.* "Development of Luminescent Sensors Based on Transition Metal Complexes for the Detection of Nitroexplosives," Dalton Trans. 2017, 46, 16738¡V16769.
  8. Tseng, T. W.;* Lee, L. W.; Luo, T. T.; Chien, P. H.; Liu, Y. H.;* Lee, S. L.; Wang, C. M.; Lu, K. L.* "Gate-Opening upon CO2 Adsorption on a Metal¡VOrganic Framework that Mimics a Natural Stimuli Response System," Dalton Trans. 201746, 14728¡V14732. (Cover Picture (Back Cover))
  9. Lu, K. L.; Usman, M.; Haider, G.; Mendiratta, S.; Luo, T. T.; Chen, Y. F. "Natural White Light Emission from a Dopant Free Strontium(II)¡VOrganic Framework," 2017, ROC (Taiwan) Patent TW I572611.
  1. Lu, Z. Z.; Peng, J. D.; Wu, A. K.; Lin, C. H.; Wu, C. G.;* Ho, K. C.;* Lin, Y. C.;* Lu, K. L.* "Heteroleptic Ruthenium Sensitizers with Hydrophobic Fused-Thiophenes for Use in Efficient Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells," Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2016, 1214¡V1224.
  2. Lee, L. W.; Luo, T. T.; Wang, C. M.; Lee, G. H.; Peng, S. M.; Liu, Y. H.;* Lee, S. L.;* Lu, K. L.* "Anion-Induced Structural Transformation of a Sulfate-Incorporated 2D Cd(II)¡VOrganic Framework," J. Solid State Chem. 2016239, 1¡V7.
  3. Tseng, T. W.;* Luo, T. T.; Wu, J. Y.; Tsai, C. C.; Huang, C. Y.; Chiang, M. H.;* Lu, K. L.* "Adaptation of Guest Molecules: A Simple System that Amplifies the Gentle Perturbation of Host Lattices from Nickel(II) to Cobalt(II)," Inorg. Chim. Acta 2016445, 96¡V102.
  4. Usman, M.; Haider, G.; Mendiratta, S.; Luo, T. T.; Chen, Y. F.;* Lu, K. L.* "Continuous Broadband Emission from a Metal¡VOrganic Framework as Human-Friendly White Light Source," J. Mater. Chem. C 20164, 4728¡V4732.
  5. Lee, C. H.; Huang, H. Y.; Lee, J. J.; Huang, C. Y.; Kao, Y. C.; Lee, G. H.; Peng, S. M.; Jiang, J. C.; Chao, I.;* Lu, K. L.* "Amide¡VCO2 Interaction Induced Gate-Opening Behavior for CO2 Adsorption in 2-Fold Interpenetrating Framework," ChemistrySelect 20161, 2923¡V2929.
  6. Wang, C. H.;* Lee, L. W.; Chang, T. Y.; Fan, B. L.; Wang, C. L.; Lin, H. M.; Lu, K. L. "New 3D Tubular Porous Structure of an Organic¡VZincophosphite Framework with Interesting Gas Adsorption and Luminescence Properties," Chem. Eur. J. 201622, 16099¡V16102. (Cover Picture (Back Cover))
  7. Tseng, T. W.;* Luo, T. T.; Liao, S. H.; Lu, K. H.; Lu, K. L.* "Isorecticular Synthesis of Dissectible Molecular Bamboo Tubes of Hexarhenium(I) Benzene-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexaolate Complexes," Angew. Chem., Int. Ed201655, 8343¡V8347. (Cover Picture (Back Cover))
  8. Haider, G.; Usman, M.; Chen, T. P.; Perumal, P.; Lu, K. L.;* Chen, Y. F.* "Electrically Driven White Light Emission from Intrinsic Metal¡VOrganic Framework," ACS Nano 201610, 8366¡V8375.
  9. Usman, M.; Lu, K. L.* "Metal¡VOrganic Frameworks: The Future of Low-£e Materials," NPG Asia Mater. 2016, 8, e333.
  10. Huang, G. G.; Lee, C. J.; Yang, J.;* Chang, C. H.; Sathiyendiran, M.; Lu, Z. Z.; Lu, K. L. "Rhenium-Based Molecular Trap as an Evanescent Wave Infrared Chemical Sensing Medium for the Selective Determination of Amines in Air," ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8, 35634¡V35640.
  11. Sathish, V.; Ramdass, A.; Lu, Z. Z.; Velayudham, M.; Thanasekaran, P.;* Lu, K. L.;* Rajagopal, S.* "Sensing of Insulin Fibrillation Using Alkoxy-bridged Binuclear Rhenium(I) Complexes," Inorg. Chem. Commun. 201673, 49¡V51.
  1. Tseng, T. W.;* Luo, T. T.; Tsai, C. H.; Chen, C. C.; Lee, G. H.; Wang, C. C.;* Lu, K. L.* "Benzene Absorption in a Protuberant-Grid-Type Zinc(II)−Organic Framework Triggered by the Migration of Guest Water Molecules," Dalton Trans. 201544, 62¡V65.
  2. Wang, C. M.;* Lee, L. W.; Chang, T. Y.; Chen, Y. C.; Lin, H. M.; Lu, K. L.; Lii, K. H.* "Organic¡VInorganic Hybrid Zinc Phosphate with 28-Ring Channels," Chem. Eur. J. 201521, 1878¡V1881.
  3. Mendiratta, S.; Usman, M.; Tseng, T. W.;* Luo, T. T.; Lee, S. F.; Zhao, L.; Wu, M. K.; Lee, M. M.; Sun, S. S.; Lin, Y. C.;* Lu, K. L.* "Low Dielectric Behavior of a Robust, Guest-Free Magnesium(II)−Organic Framework: A New Potential Application of Alkaline-Earth Metal Compound," Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2015, 1669¡V1674. (Cover Story)
  4. Usman, M.; Mendiratta, S.; Lu, K. L.* "Metal¡VOrganic Frameworks: New Interlayer Dielectric Materials," ChemElectroChem 20152, 786¡V788. (Highlight)
  5. Wang, C. M.;* Chang, T. Y.; Lee, L. W.; Lin, H. M.; Lu, K. L.; Lii, K. W.* "The First Zinc Phosphite with Remarkable Structural and Functional Transformation," Chem. Commun. 201551, 7824¡V2826.
  6. Tseng, T. W.;* Luo, T. T.; Tsai, C. C; Lu, K. L.* "A Huge Diamondoid Metal¡VOrganic Framework with a Neo-Mode of Tenfold Interpenetration," CrystEngComm 201517, 2935¡V2939.
  7. Tseng, T. W.;* Luo, T. T.; Shih, Y. R.; Shen, J. W.; Lee, L. W.; Chiang, M. H.;* Lu, K. L.* "Self-Triggered Conformations of Disulfide Ensembles in Coordination Polymers with Multiple Metal Clusters," CrystEngComm 201517, 2847¡V2856.
  8. Lee, C. H.; Wu, J. Y.;* Lee, G. H.; Peng, S. M.; Jiang, J. C.; Lu, K. L.* "Amide-Containing Zinc(II) Metal¡VOrganic Layer Networks: Structure¡VCO2 Capture Relationship," Inorg. Chem. Front. 20152, 477¡V484. (Invited article)
  9. Sathish, V.; Ramdass, A.; Thanasekaran, P.;* Lu, K. L.;* Rajagopal, S.* "Aggregation-Induced Phosphorescence Enhancement (AIPE) Based on Transition Metal Complexes ¡V An Overview," J. Photochem. Photobiol. C: Photochem. Rev. 201523, 25¡V44.
  10. Mendiratta, S.; Lee, C. H.; Lee, S. Y.; Kao, Y. C.; Chang, B. C.; Lo, Y. H.; Lu, K. L.* "Structural Characteristics and Non-Linear Optical Behavior of a 2-Hydroxynicotinate-Containing Zinc-Based Metal¡VOrganic Framework," Molecules 2015, 20, 8941¡V8951. (Invited article)
  11. Usman, M.; Mendiratta, S.; Batjargal, S.; Haider, G.; Hayashi, M.; Gade, N. R.;  Chen, J. W.; Chen, Y. F.; Lu, K. L.* "Semiconductor Behavior of a Three Dimensional Sr-Based Metal¡VOrganic Framework," ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7, 22767¡V22774.
  12. Lee, L. W.; Luo, T. T.; Lo, S. H.; Lee, G. H.; Peng, S. M.; Liu, Y. H.;* Lee, S. L.;* Lu, K. L.* "Pillared-Bilayer Zinc(II)¡VOrganic Laminae: Pore Modification and Selective Gas Adsorption," CrystEngComm 2015, 17, 6320¡V6327.
  13. Mendiratta, S.; Lee, C. H.; Usman, M.; Lu, K. L.* "Metal¡VOrganic Frameworks for Electronics: Emerging Second Order Non-linear Optical and Dielectric Materials," Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. 2015, 16, 054204. (Invited article)
  14. Ho, T. Y.; Huang, S. M.; Wu, J. Y.;* Hsu, K. C.; Lu, K. L.* "Direct Guest Exchange Induced Single-Crystal to Single-Crystal Transformation Accompanying Irreversible Crystal Expansion in Soft Porous Coordination Polymers," Cryst. Growth Des. 201515, 4266¡V4271.
  15. Lu, K. L.;* Lin, H. C.; Yin, J. F. "Photosensitizer Dyes and Application of the Same," 2015, ROC (Taiwan) Patent TW I503320 B.
  1. Lin, S. M.; Velayudham, M.; Tsai, C. H.; Chang, C. H.; Lee, C. C.; Luo, T. T.; Thanasekaran, P.; Lu, K. L.* "A Molecular Triangle as a Precursor Toward the Assembly of a Jar-Shaped Metallasupramolecule," Organometallics 2014, 33, 40¡V44.
  2. Tseng, T. W.;* Luo, T. T.; Su, C. C.; Hsu, H. H.; Yang, C. I.;* Lu, K. L.* "An Unusual Cobalt(II)-Based Single-Walled Metal¡VOrganic Nanotube," CrystEngComm 201416, 2626¡V2633.
  3. Mendiratta, S.; Usman, M.; Luo, T. T.; Chang, B. C.; Lee, S. F.; Lin, Y. C.;* Lu, K. L.* "Anion-Controlled Dielectric Behavior of Homochiral Tryptophan-Based Metal¡VOrganic Frameworks," Cryst. Growth Des. 201414, 1572−1579.
  4. Usman, M.; Lee, C. H.; Hung, D. S.; Lee, S. F.; Wang, C. C.; Luo, T. T.; Zhao, L.; Wu, M. K.; Lu, K. L.* "Intrinsic Low Dielectric Behaviour of a Highly Thermal Stable Sr-Based Metal¡VOrganic Framework for Interlayer Dielectric Materials," J. Mater. Chem. C 20142, 3762¡V3768.
  5. Mendiratta, S.; Usman, M.; Luo, T. T.; Lee, S. F.; Lin, Y. C.;* Lu, K. L.* "Guest Dependent Dielectric Properties of Nickel(II)-Based Supramolecular Networks," CrystEngComm 201416, 6309¡V6315. (Invited article, chosen as the back cover of the journal).
  6. Sathish, V.; Babu, E.; Ramdass, A.; Lu, Z. Z.; Velayudham, M.; Thanasekaran, P.;* Lu, K. L.;* Rajagopal, S.* "Alkoxy Bridged Binuclear Rhenium(I) Complexes as a Potential Sensor for £]-Amyloid Aggregation," Talanta 2014130, 274¡V279.
  7. Thanasekaran, P.; Lee, C. H.; Lu, K. L.* "Neutral Discrete Metal¡VOrganic Cyclic Architectures: Opportunities for Structural Features and Properties in Confined Spaces," Coord. Chem. Rev. 2014, 280, 96¡V175.
  8. Lee, C. H.; Wu, J. Y.;* Lee, G. H.; Peng, S. M.; Jiang, J. C.; Lu, K. L.* "Correlation of Mesh Size of Metal−Carboxylate Layer with Degree of Interpenetration in Pillared-Layer Frameworks," Cryst. Growth Des. 201414, 5608¡V5616. (Invited article)
  1. Tseng, T. W.;* Luo, T. T.; Chen, S. Y.; Su, C. C.; Chi, K. M.;* Lu, K. L.* "Porous Metal−Organic Frameworks with Multiple Cages Based on Tetrazolate Ligands: Synthesis, Structures, Photoluminescence, and Gas Adsorption Properties," Cryst. Growth Des. 201313, 510¡V517.
  2. Veerakumar, P.; Velayudham, M.; Lu, K. L.; Rajagopal, S.* "Silica-Supported PEI Capped Nanopalladium as Potential Catalyst in Suzuki, Heck and Sonogashira Coupling Reactions," Appl. Catal. A-Gen. 2013455, 247¡V260.
  3. Lee, C. H.; Huang, H. Y.; Liu, Y. H.; Luo, T. T.; Lee, G. H.; Peng, S. M.; Jiang, J. C.; Chao, I.;* Lu, K. L.* "Cooperative Effect of Unsheltered Amide Groups on CO2 Adsorption Inside Open-Ended Channels of a Zinc(II)−Organic Framework," Inorg. Chem. 201352, 3962−3968.
  4. Ke, S. Y.; Wang, C. C.;* Lee, G. H.; Chuang, Y. C.; Lu, K. L.* "Highly Thermal-Stable Supramolecular Assembly of a Hydrogen-Bonded Mononuclear Nickel(II) Histidine Compound," J. Chin. Chem. Soc. 201360, 807−812.
  5. Ramdass, A.; Sathish, V.; Velayudham, M.; Thanasekaran, P.;* Lu, K. L.;* Rajagopal, S.* "Monometallic Rhenium(I) Complexes as Sensor for Anions," Inorg. Chem. Commun. 201335, 186−191.
  6. Thanasekaran, P.; Huang, C. Y.; Lu, K. L.* "Synthesis, Structure and Dynamic Behavior of Discrete Metallacyclic Rotors," Chem. Lett. 201342, 776−784. (Invited Highlight Review)
  7. Lee, C. H.; Tsai, M. R.; Chang, Y. T.; Lai, L. L.;* Lu, K. L.; Cheng, K. L. "Preparation of Unconventional Dendrimers that Contain Rigid NH-Triazine Linkages and Peripheral tert-Butyl Moieties for CO2-Selective Adsorption," Chem. Eur. J. 201319, 10573¡V10579.
  8. Lin, J. W.; Thanasekaran, P.; Chang, J. S.; Wu, J. Y.;* Lai, L. L.;* Lu, K. L.* "Host¡VGuest Key¡VLock Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions: A Rare Case in the Design of a V-Shaped Polycarboxylate Ni(II)-Based Chiral Coordination Polymer," CrystEngComm 201315, 9798−9810.
  9. Rajakannu, P.; Elumalai, P.; Mobin, S. M.; Lu K. L.; Sathiyendiran, M.* "Hard and Soft-Donors Decorated Rhenium Based Metallocavitands," J. Organomet. Chem. 2013743, 17¡V23.
  10. Singaravadivel, S.; Babu, E.; Velayudham, M.; Lu, K. L.;* Rajagopal, S.* "Sensitized Near-Infrared Luminescence of Lanthanide Complexes by Energy Transfer from a Ruthenium Antenna," Polyhedron 201360, 54¡V58.
  11. Singaravadivel, S.; Babu, E.; Velayudham, M.; Lu, K. L.;* Rajagopal, S.* "Sensitized Near Infrared Luminescence of Lanthanide Complexes by Energy Transfer from Rhenium(I) Complexes Bridged by Bis(benzimidazole) and Penanthrolino-5,6:5',6'-pyrazine Ligands," Inorg. Chim. Acta 2013400, 215¡V221.
  12. Sathish, V.; Ramdass, A.; Lu, Z. Z.; Velayudham, M.; Thanasekaran, P.;* Lu. K. L.;* Rajagopal, S.* "Aggregation-Induced Emission Enhancement in Alkoxy- Bridged Binuclear Rhenium(I) Complexes: Application as Sensor for Explosives and Interaction with Microheterogeneous Media," J. Phys. Chem. B 2013117, 14358−14366.
  13. Sathish, V.; Babu, E.; Ramdass, A.; Lu, Z. Z.; Chang, T. T.; Velayudham, M.;  Thanasekaran, P.; Lu, K. L.;* Li, W. S.;* Rajagopal, S.* "Photoswitchable Alkoxy-Bridged Binuclear Rhenium(I) Complexes¡VA Potential Probe for Biomolecules and Optical Cell Imaging," RSC Adv. 20133, 18557−18566.
  14. Singaravadivel, S.; Velayudham, M.; Babu, E.; Mareeswara, P. M.; Lu, K. L.; Rajagopal, S.* "Sensitized Near-Infrared Luminescence from NdIII, YbIII and ErIII Complexes by Energy-Transfer from Ruthenium 1,3-Bis([1,10]phenanthroline-[5,6-d]-imidazol-2-yl)benzene," J. Fluoresc. 201323, 1167−1172.
  15. Singaravadivel, S.; Babu, E.; Velayudham, M.; Lu, K. L.;* Rajagopal, S.* "Sensitized Near-Infrared Luminescence of NdIII, YbIII and ErIII Complexes by Energy Transfer from a Ruthenium Antenna," J. Organomet. Chem. 2013738, 49−54.
  1. Yin, J. F.; Chen, J. G.; Lin, J. T.; Bhattacharya, D.; Hsu, Y. C.; Lin, H. C.;* Ho, K. C.;* Lu, K. L.* "Enhanced Light-Harvesting Capability by Phenothiazine in Ruthenium Sensitizers with Superior Photovoltaic Performance," J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 130¡V139.
  2. Lin, S. H.; Yang, C. I.; Kuo, T. S.; Chiang, M. H.; Hsu, K. C.;* Lu, K. L.* "Self-Adaptation of Manganese¡VChloride Arrangement Toward High Spin Mn5(£g-Cl)4 Cluster-Based Metal¡VOrganic Framework with S = 15/2," Dalton. Trans. 201241, 1448¡V1450.
  3. Yang, C. I.; Chuang, P. H.; Lee, G. H.; Peng, S. M.; Lu, K. L.* "Spin Canting Magnetization in an Unusual Co4 Cluster-Based Layer Compound from a 2,3-Dihydroxyquinoxaline Ligand," Inorg. Chem. 201251, 757¡V759.
  4. Chu, H. C.; Sahu, D.; Hsu, Y. C.; Padhy, H.; Patra, D.; Lin, J. T.; Bhattacharya, D.; Lu, K. L.; Wei, K. H.; Lin, C. H.* "Structural Planarity and Conjugation Effects of Novel Symmetrical Acceptor¡VDonor¡VAcceptor Organic Sensitizers on Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells," Dyes Pigm. 201293, 1488¡V1497.
  5. Wu, J. Y.;* Huang, S. M.; Huang, Y. C.; Lu, K. L.* "Hydrogen Bond-Organized Two-Fold Interpenetrating Homochiral pcu Net," CrystEngComm 201214, 1189¡V1192.
  6. Thanasekaran, P.; Liu, C. M.; Cho, J. F.; Lu, K. L.* "Melamine-Promoted Crystal Growth of Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate from Calcium Nitrate and Oxalic Acid," Inorg. Chem. Commun. 201217, 84¡V87.
  7. Bhattacharya, D.; Chang, C. H.; Cheng, Y. H.; Lai, L. L.; Lu, H. Y.; Lin, C. Y.;* Lu, K. L.* "Multielectron Redox Chemistry of Neutral, NIR-Active, Indigo-Pillared Re(I)-Based Triangular Metalloprism," Chem. Eur. J. 201218, 5275¡V5283.
  8. Thanasekaran, P.; Luo, T. T.; Wu, J. Y.; Lu, K. L.* "Giant Metal−Organic Frameworks with Bulky Scaffolds: From Microporous to Mesoporous Functional Materials," Dalton. Trans. 201241, 5437¡V5453. (Invited Perspective Article)
  9. Yin, J. F.; Velayudham, M.; Bhattacharya, D.; Lin, H. C.; Lu, K. L.* "Structure Optimization of Ruthenium Photosensitizers for Efficient Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells¡Va Goal toward a ¡§Bright¡¨ Future," Coord. Chem. Rev. 2012256, 3008¡V3035.
  10. Thanasekaran, P.; Lee, C. C.; Lu, K. L.* "One-Step Orthogonal-Bonding Approach to the Self-Assembly of Neutral Rhenium-Based Metallacycles: Synthesis, Structures, Photophysics and Sensing Applications," Acc. Chem. Res. 201245, 1403¡V1418.
  11. Chang, C. C.; Huang, Y. C.; Huang, S. M.; Wu, J. Y.; Liu, Y. H.;* Lu, K. L.* "Pre-Synthesized and In-situ Generated Tetrazolate Ligand in the Design of Chiral Cadmium Coordination Polymer," Cryst. Growth Des. 201212, 3825¡V3828.
  12. Lu, Z. Z.; Lee, C. C.; Velayudham, M.; Lee, L. W.; Wu, J. Y.; Kuo, T. S.; Lu, K. L.* "Control of Light Promoted [2+2] Cycloaddition Reactions by Remote Ancillary Regulatory Group Covalently-Attached to Rhenium Rectangles," Chem. Eur. J. 201218, 15714¡V15721.
  13. Veerakumar, P.; Velayudham, M.; Lu, K. L.; Rajagopal, S.* "Polyelectrolyte Encapsulated Gold Nanoparticles as Efficient Active Catalyst for Reduction of Nitro Compounds by Kinetic Method," Appl. Catal. A-Gen. 2012439, 197¡V205.
  14. Veerakumar, P.; Balakumar, S.; Velayudham, M.; Lu, K. L.; Rajagopal, S.* "Ru/Al2O3 Catalyzed N-Oxidation of Tertiary Amines by Using H2O2," Catal. Sci. Technol. 20122, 1140¡V1145.
  1. Sathiyendiran, M.; Tsai, C. C.; Thanasekaran, P.; Luo, T. T.; Yang, C. I.; Lee, G. H.; Peng, S. M.; Lu, K. L.* "Organometallic Calixarenes: Syceelike Tetrarhenium(I) Cavitands with Tunable Size, Color, Functionality, and Coin¡VSlot Complexation," Chem. Eur. J. 201117, 3343¡V3346.
  2. Sahu, D.; Padhy, H.; Patra, D.; Yin, J. F.; Hsu, Y. C.; Lin, J. T.; Lu, K. L.; Wei, K. H.; Lin, H. C.* "Synthesis and Applications of Novel Acceptor¡VDonor¡VAcceptor Organic Dyes with Dithienopyrol- and Fluorine-Cores for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells," Tetrahedron 201167, 303¡V311.
  3. Yang, C. I.; Song, Y. T.; Yeh,Y. J.; Liu, Y. H.; Tseng T. W.;* Lu, K. L.* "A Flexible Tris-phosphonate for the Design of Copper and Cobalt Coordination Polymers: Unusual Cage Array Topology and Magnetic Properties," CrystEngComm 201113, 2678¡V2686.
  4. Yang, C. I.; Chuang, P. H.; Lu, K. L.* "Slow Magnetic Relaxation in a Cobalt Magnetic Chain," Chem. Commun. 201147, 4445¡V4447.
  5. Lee, C. F.; Hsu, S. C.; Chan, K. C.; Nurnabi, M.; Lee, C. C.; Wu, J. Y.;* Lai, L. L.;* Lu, K. L.* "Self-Adaptation of a Conformationally Flexible yet Restricted "Piperazinepyrazine" Building Block toward the Design of Coordination Polymers," CrystEngComm 201113, 2960¡V2973.
  6. Lu, K. L.* "Self-Assembly of Functional Materials," Natural Sciences Newslett., NSC 201123, 40¡V42. (Cover Story)
  7. Wu, J. Y.; Yang, C. W.; Chen, H. F.; Jao, Y. C.; Huang, S. M.; Tsai, C.-t.; Tseng, T. W.; Lee, G. H.; Peng, S. M.; Lu, K. L.* "Rare Configsuration of Tautomeric Benzimidazolecarboxylate Ligands in Cadmium(II) and Copper(II) Coordination Polymers," J. Solid State Chem. 2011, 184, 1740¡V1748.
  8. Thanasekaran, P.; Luo, T. T.; Lee, C. H.; Lu, K. L.* "A journey in Search of Single-Walled Metal¡VOrganic Nanotubes," J. Mater. Chem. 201121, 13140¡V13149. (Invited Feature Article)
  9. Yang, J. Y.;* Cheng, H. W.; Chen, Y.; Li, Y.;* Lin, C. H.; Lu, K. L.* "Hydrothermally Roughened Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering-Active Substrates with Low Background Signals for Chemical Sensing Application,"J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 201111, 2012¡V2017.
  10. Veerakumar, P.; Velayudham, M.; Lu, K. L.; Rajagopal, S.* "Highly Dispersed Silica-Supported Nanocopper as an Efficient Heterogeneous Catalyst: Application in the Synthesis of 1,2,3-Triazoles and Thioethers," Catal. Sci. Technol. 20111, 1512¡V1525.
  11. Huang, G. G.; Lee, C. J.; Tsai, B. C.; Yang, J.;* Sathiyendiran, M.; Lu, K. L. "Gondola-Shaped Tetra-Rhenium Metallacycles Modified Evanescent Wave Infrared Chemical Sensors for Selective Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds," Talanta 201185, 63¡V69.
  12. Rajakannu, P.; Shankar, B.; Yadav, A.; Shanmugam, R.; Gupta, D.; Hussain,* F.; Chang, C. H.; Sathiyendiran, M.;* Lu, K. L.* "Adaptation toward Restricted Conformational Dynamics: From the Series of Neutral Molecular Rotors," Organometallics 201130, 3168¡V3176.
  1. Chuang, C. H.; Sathiyendiran, M.; Tseng, Y. H.; Wu, J. Y.; Hsu, K. C.; Hung, C. H.; Wen, Y. S.; Lu, K. L.* "A Rigidity-Modulated Approach Toward the Construction of Metallacycles from a Flexible Tetratopic Ligand," Organometallics 201029, 283¡V285.
  2. Rajendran, T.; Manimaran B.; Liao, R. T.; Liu, Y. H.; Thanasekaran, P.; Lin, R. J.; Chang, I. J.; Chou, P. T.; Ramaraj, R.; Rajagopal, S.;* Lu, K. L.* "Luminescence Quenching of Rhenium(I) Molecular Rectangles by Quinones," Dalton Trans. 201039, 2928¡V2935.
  3. Hsu, S. C.; Wu, J. Y.; Lee, C. F.; Lee, C. C.; Lai, L. L.;* Lu, K. L.*  "Flexible ¡§Piperazine-Pyrazine¡¨ Building Blocks: Conformational Isomerism of ¡§Equatorial-Axial¡¨ Sites Toward the Constructions of Silver(I) Coordination Chains," CrystEngComm 201012, 3388¡V3390.
  4. Yin, J. F.; Chen, J. G.; Lu, Z. Z.; Ho, K. C. Lin, H. C.;* Lu, K. L.*  "Toward Optimization of Oligothiophene Antennas: New Ruthenium Sensitizers with Excellent Performance for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells," Chem. Mater. 201022, 4392¡V4399.
  5. Tseng, Y. H.; Bhattacharya, D.; Lin, S. M.; Thanasekaran, P.; Wu, J. Y.; Lee,L. W.;Sathiyendiran, M.; Ho, M. L.;Chung, M. W.;Hsu, K. C.; Chou,P. T.;* Lu, K. L.* "Highly Emissive Cyclometalated Rhenium Metallacycles: Structure¡VLuminescence Relationship," Inorg. Chem. 201049, 6805¡V6807.
  6. Tseng, T. W.;* Luo, T. T.; Tsai, C. C.; Wu, J. Y.; Tsai, H. L.; Lu, K. L. "Crystal Engineering of Three Net-to-Net Intersecting Metal−Organic Frameworks from Two Comparable Organic Linking Squares," Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 201024, 3750¡V3755.
  7. Bhattacharya, D.; Sathiyendiran, M.; Wu, J. Y.; Chang, C. H.; Huang, S. C.; Zeng, Y. L.; Lin, C. Y.; Lee, G. H.; Peng, S. M.; Lu, K. L.* "Quinonoid-Bridged Chair-Shaped Dirhenium(I) Metallacycles: Synthesis, Characterization and Spectroelectrochemical Studies," Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49, 10264¡V10272.
  8. Tseng, M. C.; Obena, R.; Lu, Y. W.; Lin, P. C.; Lin, P. Y.; Yen, Y. S.; Lin, J. T.; Huang, L. D.; Lu, K. L.; Lai, L. L.; Lin, C. C.; Chen, Y. J.* "Dihydrobenzoic Acid Modified Nanoparticle as a MALDI-TOF MS Matrix for Soft Ionization and Structure Determination of Small Molecules with Diverse Structures," J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 201021, 1930¡V1939.
  9. Veerakumar, P.; Lu, Z. Z.; Velayudham, M.; Lu, K. L.; Rajagopal, S.* "Alumina Supported Nanoruthenium as Efficient Heterogeneous Catalyst for the Selective H2O2 Oxidation of Aliphatic and Aromatic Sulfides to Sulfoxides," J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem. 2010332, 128¡V137.
  1. Wu, J. Y.; Hsu, H. Y.; Chan, C. C.; Wen, Y. S.; Tsai, C.; Lu, K. L.* "Formation of Infinite Linear Mercury Metal Chains Assisted by Face-to-Face £k-£k (Aryl-Aryl) Stacking Interactions," Cryst. Growth Des. 20099, 258-262.
  2. Wu, J. Y.; Ding, M. T.; Wen, Y. S.; Liu, Y. H.*; Lu, K. L.* "Alkali Metal Cation (K+, Cs+) Induced Dissolution/Reorganization of Porous Metal Carboxylate Coordination Networks in Water," Chem. Eur. J. 200915, 3604-3614. 
  3. Bhattacharya, D.; Sathiyendiran, M.; Luo, T. T.; Chang, C. H.; Cheng, Y. H.; Lin, C. Y.; Lee, G. H.; Peng, S. M.; Lu, K. L.* "Ground and Excited Electronic States of Quininone-containing Re(I)-based Rectangles: A Comprehensive Study of Their Preparation, Electrochemistry and Photophysics," Inorg. Chem. 200948, 3731-3742.
  4. Sathiyendiran, M.; Wu, J. Y.; Velayudham, M.; Lee, G. H.; Peng, S. M.; Lu, K. L.* "Neutral Metallacyclic Rotors," Chem. Commun. 2009, 3795-3797.
  5. Lee, C. C.; Hsu, S. C.; Lai, L. L.;* Lu, K. L.* "Chair-Boat Form Transformation of Piperazine-Containing Ligand toward the Preparation of Dirhenium Metallacycles," Inorg. Chem. 200948, 6329¡V6331. 
  6. Ding, M. T.; Wu, J. Y.; Liu, Y. H.; Lu, K. L.* "Dissolution/Reorganization toward the Destruction/Construction of Porous Cobalt(II)- and Nickel(II)-Carboxylate Coordination Polymers," Inorg. Chem. 200948, 7457¡V7465. 
  7. Tsai, C. C.; Luo, T. T.; Yin, J. F.; Lin, H. C.; Lu, K. L.* "An Unprecedentedly Huge Square-Grid Copper(II)¡VOrganic Framework Material Built from a Bulky Pyrene-Derived Elongated Cross-Shaped Scaffold," Inorg. Chem. 200948, 8650¡V8652.
  8. Yin, J. F.; Bhattacharya, D.; Thanasekaran, P.; Hsu, C. P.;* Tseng, T. W.;*Lu, K. L.* "Effect of Ancillary Ligands on the Photophysical Properties of Ru(II) Complexes Bearing a Highly Conjugated Diimine Ligand: A Density Functional Theory Study," Inorg. Chim. Acta 2009362, 5064¡V5072.
  9. Yin, J. F.; Bhattacharya, D.; Hsu, Y. C.; Tsai, C. C.; Lu, K. L.;* Lin, H. C.;* Chen, J. G.; Ho, K. C. "Enhanced Photovoltaic Performance by Synergism of Light-Cultivation and Electronic Localization for Highly Efficient Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells," J. Mater. Chem. 200919, 7036¡V7042.
  10. Luo, T. T.; Wu, H. C.; Jao, Y. C.; Huang, S. M.; Tseng, T. W.; Wen, Y. S.; Lee, G. H.; Peng, S. M.; Lu, K. L.* "Self-Assembled Arrays of Single-Walled Metal−Organic Nanotubes," Angew. Chem., Int. Ed200948, 9461¡V9464.
  1. Wu, J. Y.; Yin, J. F.; Tseng, T. W.; Lu, K. L.* "Water Aggregate: Combination of Octameric Water Cube and (H2O)20 Cluster Within 3d-4f Heterometallic Metal-Organic Coordination Networks," Inorg. Chem. Commun. 200811, 314-317. 
  2. Wu, J. Y.; Thanasekaran, P.; Cheng, Y. W.; Lee, C. C.; Manimaran, B.;  Rajendran, T.; Liao, R. T.; Lee, G. H.; Peng, S. M.; Lu, K. L.* "Unprecedented Reduction of 2,2'-Bipyrimidine in a One-Pot Synthesis of Neutral Rhenium(I)-Based Molecular Rectangles," Organometallics 200827, 2141-2144.
  3. Liao, R. T.; Yang, W. C.; Thanasekaran, P.; Tsai, C. C.; Liu, Y. H.; Rajendran, T.; Lin, H. M.; Sathiyendiran, M.; Tseng, T. W.; Lu, K. L.* "Rhenium-Based Molecular Rectangular Boxes with Large Inner Cavity and High Shape Selectivity Towards Benzene Molecule," Chem. Commun. 2008, 3175-3177.
  4. Wu, J. Y.; Yang, S. L.; Luo, T. T.; Liu, Y. H., Cheng, Y. W.; Chen, Y. F.; Wen, Y. S.; Lin, L. G.; Lu, K. L.* "Time-Evolving Self-Organization and Autonomous Structural Adaptation of Cobalt(II)-Organic Framework Materials with scu and pts Nets," Chem. Eur. J. 200814, 7136-7139. (Highlighted by Chemistry-A European Journal)
  5. Luo, T. T.; Lu, K. L.* "Fabrication of Metal-Organic Frameworks for Hydrogen Storage," Chemistry (The Chinese Chem. Soc., Taiwan) 200866, 109-116.
  6. Wu, J. Y.; Chang, C. H.; Thanasekaran, P.; Tsai, C. C.; Tseng, T. W.; Lee, G. H.; Peng, S. M.; Lu, K. L.* "Unusual Face-to-Face £k-£k Stacking Interactions within an Indigo-Pillared M3(tpt)-Based Triangular Metalloprism," Dalton Trans. 2008, 6110-6112.
  7. Wu, J. Y.; Lin, Y. F.; Chuang, C. H.; Tseng, T. W.; Wen, Y. S.; Lu, K. L.* "Ag4L2 Nanocage as a Building Unit toward the Construction of Silver Metal Strings," Inorg. Chem. 200847, 10349-10356. 
  1. Luo, T. T.; Hsu, L. Y.; Su, C. C.; Ueng, C. H.; Tsai, T. C.; Lu, K. L.* "Deliberate Design of a 3D Homochiral CuII/l-met/AgI Coordination Network Based on the Distinct Soft-Hard Recognition Principle," Inorg. Chem. 200746, 1532-1534.
  2. Sathiyendiran, M.; Chang, C. H.; Chuang, C. H.; Luo, T. T.; Wen, Y. S.; Lu, K. L.* "Rigidity-Modulated Conformation Control: A Strategy for Incorporating Flexible Building Motifs into Metallacycles," Dalton Trans. 2007, 1872-1874.
  3. Hsu, L. P.; Wu, J. Y.; Lu, K. L.* "Self-Recognition of 3D Porous Frameworks: Fourfold Diamondoid or Threefold Cuboidal Interpenetrating Nets Formed by Varying Pillar Motifs," J. Inorg. Organomet. Polym. Mater. 200717, 259-265.
  4. Lai, L. L.;* Wu, C. H.; Lu, K. L.; Wen, Y. S.; Liu, Y. H.; Wang, Y.; Cheng, K. L.;  Soldatov, D. V.; Yu, Z.; Yu, K. "Polypseudorotaxane Architecture of Poly-bis[4-(N-benzylpyridinium)]piperazine-hexa-thiocyanato-di-cadmium(II) with 2-D Honeycomb-like [Cd(SCN)3]n n- Anionic Polymeric Framework," CrystEngComm 20079, 345-349.
  5. Lu, K. L.; Hwu, J. R.; Tsay, S. C.; Yu, S. F.; Huang, J. T.; Huang, J. J. "Metal Complex," 2007, Japan Patent 3908119.
  6. Thanasekaran, P.; Wu, J. Y.; Manimaran, B.; Rejendran, T.; Chang, I. J.; Rajagopal, S.; Lee, G. H.; Peng, S. M.; Lu, K. L.* "Aggregate of Alkoxy-Bridged Re(I)-Rectangles as a Probe for Photoluminescence Quenching," J. Phys. Chem. A 2007, 111, 10953-10960. (Highlighted by ¡§Noteworthy Chemistry¡¨ (formerly ¡§heartcut¡¨), by ACS)
  7. Lai, S. M.; Wu, C. Y.; Hsu, K. S.; Wang, C. C.; Chiang, H. C.; Lu, K. L.; Chou, Y. I.* "Microcantilever Pb2+ Sensor Using Re-Supramolecular Functionalization with Crown-Ether-Like Recognition Sites," Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. 2007, 10, J161-J164.
  8. Luo, T. T.; Liu, Y. H.; Chan, C. C.; Huang, S. M.; Chang, B. C.; Lu, Y. L.; Lee, G. H.; Peng, S. M.; Wang, J. C.; Lu, K. L.* "Toward Quartz and Cristobalite: Spontaneous Resolution, Structures, and Characterization of Chiral Silica-Mimetic Silver(I)-Organic Materials," Inorg. Chem. 200746, 10044-10046.
  1. Wu, J. Y.; Yeh, T. T.; Wen, Y. S.; Twu, J.; Lu, K. L.* "Unusual Robust Luminescent Porous Frameworks Self-Assembled from Lanthanide Ions and 2,2¡¬- Bipyridine-4,4¡¬-dicarboxylate," Cryst. Growth Des. 20066, 467-473.
  2. Wu. H. C.; Thanasekaran, P.; Tsai, C. H.; Wu, J. Y.; Huang, S. M.; Wen, Y. S.; Lu, K. L.* "Self-Assembly, Reorganization, and Photophysical Properties of Ag(I) -Schiff-Base Molecular Rectangle and Polymeric Array Species," Inorg. Chem. 200645, 295-303.
  3. Balakumar, S.; Thanasekaran, P.; Rajkumar, E.; Adaikalasamy, K. J.; Rajagopal, S.;* Ramaraj, R.; Rajendran, T.; Manimaran, B.; Lu, K. L. "Micellar Catalysis on the Electron Transfer Reaction of Iron(III)-Polypyridyl Complexes with Organic Sulfides-Importance of Hydrophobic Interactions," Org. Biomol. Chem. 20064, 352-358.
  4. Lu, Y. L.; Wu, J. Y.; Chan, M. C.; Huang, S. M.; Lin, C. S.; Chiu, T. W.; Liu, Y. H.; Wen, Y. S.; Ueng, C. H.; Chin, T. M.; Hung, C. H.;* Lu, K. L.* "Influence of Water Content on the Self-Assembly of Metal-Organic Frameworks Based on Pyridine-3,5-Dicarboxylate," Inorg. Chem. 200645, 2430-2437.
  5. Wu, J. Y.; Chang, C. H.; Tseng, T. W.; Lu, K. L.* "Synthesis of Two-Dimensional Metal-Organic Networks from 1,10-Phenanthroline-Chelated Cadmium Complex and Polycarboxylate," J. Mol. Struct. 2006796, 69-75.
  6. Thanasekaran, P.; Liao, R. T.; Manimaran, B.; Liu, Y. H.; Chou, P. T.; Rajagopal, S.; Lu, K. L.* "Photoluminescence Electron Transfer Quenching of Rhenium(I)-Rectangles with Amines," J. Phys. Chem. A 2006, 110, 10683-10689.
  7. Manimaran, B.; Lai, L. J.; Thanasekaran, P.; Wu, J. Y.; Liao, R. T.; Tseng, T. W.; Liu, Y. H.; Lee, G. H.; Peng, S. M.; Lu, K. L.* "CH¡P¡P¡P£k Interaction for Rhenium-Based Rectangles: An Interaction That is Rarely Designed into a Host-Guest Pair," Inorg. Chem. 200645, 8070-8077.
  8. Sathiyendiran, M.; Liao, R. T.; Thanasekaran, P.; Luo, T. T.; Lee, G. H.; Venkataramanan, N. S.; Peng, S. M.; Lu, K. L.* "Gondola-Shaped Luminescent Tetrarhenium Metallacycles with Crown-Ether-like Multiple Recognition Sites," Inorg. Chem. 200645, 10052-10054.
  9. Lu, K. L.; Hwu, J. R.; Tsay, S. C.; Yu, S. F.; Huang, J. T.; Huang, J. J. "Metal Complex and Method for Binding or Cleaving Nucleic Acid Using the Same," 2006, ROC (Taiwan) Patent I267377.
  10. Lu, K. L.* "Self-assembly of Porous Metal-Organic Frameworks," Natural Sciences Newslett., NSC 200618, 36-38.
  1. Swarnalatha, K.; Rajkumar, E.; Rajagopal, S.;* Ramaraj, R.; Lu, Y. L.; Lu, K. L.; Ramamurthy, P. "Photoinduced Electron Transfer Reactions of Ruthenium(II) Complexes Containing 2,2'-Bipyridine-4,4'-Dicarboxylic Acid with Phenols: Steric and Charge Effects," J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem. 2005171, 83-90.
  2. Lee, F. Y.; Huang, J. J.; Chen, Y. J.; Lin, K. J.; Lee, G. H.; Peng, S. M.; Hwu, J. R.;* Lu, K. L.* "Os(CO)2(£b2-SC5H4N(O))(£b2-SC5H4N): Structural Evidence for the Transformation of Pyridine-2-thione N-Oxide to Pyridine-2-thiolate in Osmium Complexes," J. Organomet. Chem. 2005690, 441-449.
  3. Thanasekaran, P.; Liao, R. T.; Liu, Y. H.; Rajendran, T.; Rajagopal, S.;* Lu, K. L.* "Metal-Containing Molecular Rectangles: Synthesis and Photophysical Properties," Coord. Chem. Rev. 2005249, 1085-1110.
  4. Lu, K. L.;* Chen, Y. F.; Liu, Y. H.; Cheng, Y. W.; Liao, R. T.; Wen, Y. S. "Bottom-Up Crystal Engineering toward Nanoporosity Exemplified by a Zinc Carboxylate Coordination Polymer Adopting a Tenorite Analogue Network Topology," Cryst. Growth Des. 20055, 403-405.
  5. Yeh, T. T.; Wu, J. Y.; Wen, Y. S.; Liu, Y. H.; Twu, J.; Tao, Y. T.; Lu, K. L.* "Luminescent Silver Metal Chains with Unusual µ4-Bonded 2,2'-Bipyrazine," Dalton Trans. 2005, 656-658.
  6. Lu, K. L.;* Manimaran, B.; Rajendran, T.; Lee, G. H.; Peng, S. M.; Liao, R. T.; Thanasekaran, P. "Prismatic Supramolecues," 2005, U.S. Patent 6,852,249 B2.
  7. Lu, K. L.;* Manimaran, B.; Rajendran, T.; Lu, Y. L.; Lee, G. H.; Peng, S. M. "Rectangular Supramolecues," 2005, U.S. Patent 6,965,028 B2.
  8. Lai, L. L.;* Wang, L. Y.; Tzeng, H. F.; Lin, J. W.; Huang, S. M.; Lu, K. L.; Liu, Y. H.; Wang, Y. "Variation of Molecular Stacking with Different Length of Alkyl Chain: Synthesis, Structure Determination, and Mesogenic Study of N,N-Disubstituted Aminophenylazo-(4)-p-alkylbenzenes," Liq. Cryst. 200532, 389-394.
  9. Bharathy, J. R. B.; Ganesan, T. K.; Rajkumar, E.; Rajagopal, S.;* Manimaran, B.; Rajendran, T.; Lu, K. L. "Micellar Effect on the Electron Transfer Reaction of Chromium(V) Ion with Organic Sulfides," Tetrahedron 200561, 4679-4687.
  10. Luo, T. T.; Tsai, H. L.; Yang, S. L.; Liu, Y. H.; Yadav, R. D.; Su, C. C.; Ueng, C. H.; Lin, L. G.; Lu, K. L.* "Crystal Engineering: Toward Intersecting Channels from a Neutral Network with a bcu-Type Topology," Angew. Chem., Int. Ed200544, 6063-6067.
  11. Chiu, T. W.; Liu, Y. H.; Chi, K. M.; Wen, Y. S.; Lu, K. L.* "Synthesis, Structure, and Transformation of Novel Osmium Azine and Ylide Complexes," Inorg. Chem. 200544, 6425-6430.
  1. Liao, R. T.; Lu, K. L.* "Self-Assembly of Metal-Containing Molecular Squrares, Rectangles, Boxes and Cages," Chemistry (The Chinese Chem. Soc., Taiwan) 200462, 81-92.
  2. Luo, T. T.; Liu, Y. H.; Tsai, H. L.; Su, C. C.; Ueng, C. H.;* Lu, K. L.* "A Novel Hybrid Supramolecular Network Assembled from Perfect £k-£k Stacking of an Anionic Inorganic Layer and a Cationic Hydronium-Ion-Mediated Organic Layer," Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2004, 4253-4258.
  1. Liu, Y. H.; Wu, H. C.; Lin, H. M.; Hou, W. H.; Lu, K. L.* "Crystal Engineering toward Intersecting Channels in an Interpenetrating Diamondoid Network Based on a Net-to-Net H-Bonding Interaction," Chem. Commun2003, 60-61.
  2. Manimaran, B.; Thanasekaran, P.; Rajendran, T.; Liao, R. T.; Liu, Y. H.; Lee, G. H.; Peng, S. M.; Rajagopal, S.; Lu, K. L.* "Self-Assembly of Octarhenium-Based Neutral Luminescent Rectangular Prisms," Inorg. Chem200342, 4795-4797.
  3. Rajendran, T.; Manimaran, B.; Liao, R. T.; Lin, R. J.; Thanasekaran, P.; Lee, G. H.; Peng, S. M.; Liu, Y. H.; Chang, I. J.;* Rajagopal, S.;* Lu, K. L.* "Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of Neutral Luminescent Rhenium-Based Molecular Rectangles," Inorg. Chem200342, 6388-6394.
  1. Hwu, J. R.;* Lu, K. L.;* Yu, S. F.; Yu, L. J.; Kumaresan, S.; Lin, K. J.; Tsay, S. C. "New Triruthenium Clusters as Photoinduced DNA-Binding and Cleaving Agents," Photochem. Photobiol. 200275, 457-461.
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