黃炳綜   教授

描述: D:\data\menu\teacher\teacher\Ping-Tsung Huang.jpg


辦公室電話︰(02)29052476 [CH204]





Ph.D., Polytechnic University, New York (1991.9 ~ 1996.5)

B.S., 輔仁大學化學系 (1984.9 ~ 1988.6)


輔仁大學化學系 教授(2022.02.01 ~)

輔仁大學化學系系主任(2015.02.01 ~2018.07.31)

輔仁大學化學系 副教授(2012.08.01 ~2022.01.31)

輔仁大學化學系 助理教授 (2008.02.01~2012.07.31)

錸德科技 經理 (2006.11 ~ 2007.12)

錸寶科技 經理 (2002.9 ~ 2006.11)

常禾菁研科技 經理 (2000.2 ~2002.8)

Adchem Corp., New York (1997,5 ~ 2000.1)

博士後研究, Polytechnic University, New York (1996.5 ~1997.4)



1.         高分子摻合(polymer blends)

2.         有機半導體材料(organic semiconductors)

3.         有機高分子電激發光二極體(PLED)

4.         有機高分子太陽能電池(polymer solar cells, PSC)

5.         壓感式功能性特用膠(functional pressure sensitive adhesives, PSA)

6.         高分子-奈米金屬功能性材料開發(polymer-nano metal composites)

7.         導電高分子於金屬防腐蝕之應用(semiconducting polymer for anticorrosion)

8.         高分子介電材料(polymeric dielectric materials)



1.     本實驗室在有機高分子太陽能電池的主要的目標是研究有機半導體材料結構與其物理特性之間的關聯以及活化層分子型態的控制,並以此為出發點找尋更好的有機半導體材料,結合先進製程技術探討以這些材料所製成有機半導體元件的特性。目前於有機半導體方面主要研究主題有二:第一是有機太陽能電池的探討,主要目標是建立高分子材料的微結構並開發高载子移動率的新型P型及N型有機半導體材料.第二是開發先進製程以加速高分子太陽能電池的進展,主要以新型冷凍乾燥法(DCFD)及外加剪力誘發結晶法(ESIC)的研發為主。

2.     含奈米金屬之功能性高分子的開發為實驗室近期發展的另一方向,結合奈米金屬及不同高分子的特性,開發出可應用於催化反應、滅菌反應及特殊電化學反應的材料。

3.     導電高分子之結構及分子型態與金屬防腐蝕相關性的研究

4.     導電高分子之結構及分子型態與其介電相關性的研究


1.     “Nanometer-scaled landscape of polymer: fullerene blends mapped with visible s-SNOM” Ya-Rong Lee, Cheng-Chia Huang, Wen-Yu Huang, Chin-Ti Chen, Ping-Tsung Huang, Juen-Kai Wang. Nanotechnology, 2022, 33, 165702.

2.     “Resolving cross-sensitivity effect in fluorescence quenching for simultaneously sensing oxygen and ammonia concentrations by an optical dual gas sensor” Chih-Yi Liu, Moumita Deb, Annada Sankar Sadhu, Riya Karmakar, Ping-Tsung Huang, Yi-Nan Lin, Cheng-Shane Chu *, Bhola Nath Pal, Shih-Hsin Chang, Sajal Biring, Sensors, 2021, 21, 6940.

3.     “Polytriphenylamine and Poly(styrene-co-hydroxystyrene) Blends as High-Performance Anticorrosion Coating for Iron” Ting-Hsuan Lee, Jen-Hao Tsai, Hong-Yu Chen, Ping-Tsung Huang *, Polymers 2021, 13, 1629. (SCI, IF 4.329, 18/88, Polymer Science)

4.     “Significant increase in current density of inverted polymer solar cells by induced-crystallization of sol-gel ZnO embedded with ZnO-NP”, Jen-Hao Tsai, Ming-Chia Tsai, Cheng-Ying Sung, Ping-Tsung Huang,* Org. Electron. 2020, 86, 105891

5.     “Corrosion resistant coating of iron: a synergistic effect of electroactive poly(triphenylamine) coating with post-treatment for high corrosion protection efficiency”, Jen-Hao Tsai, Ming-Chia Tsai, Ting-Hsuan Lee, Ping-Tsung Huang,* J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 2020, 67, 1174.

6.     “Confinements of silver nanoparticles in polystyrenes through molecular entanglements and their application for catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol”, Ping-Tsung Huang,* Yu-Ning Chen, Kuan-Chung Chen, Shun-Huei Wu, Ching-Ping Liu*, J. Mater. Chem. A. 2019, 7, 20919.

7.     “Enhanced Corrosion Protection of Iron by Poly(3-hexylthiophene)/Poly(styrene- co-hydroxystyrene) Blends”, Ming-Chia Tsai, Chung-Ru Yang, Jen-Hao Tsai, Yuan-Hsiang Yu,* Ping-Tsung Huang,* Coatings, 2018, 8, 383

8.     “The triplet-triplet annihilation process of triplet to singlet excitons to fluorescence in polymer light-emitting diodes”, Nidya Chitraningrum, Ting-Yi Chu, Ping-Tsung Huang, Ten-Chin Wen, Tzung-Fang Guo, Org. Electronic. 2018, 62, 505.

9.     “A molecular structure and crystallization correlation study of pyromellitic diimide-based conjugated copolymers”, Ming-Chia Tsai, Ja-Wei Liu, Ping-Tsung Huang, * J. Chin. Chem. Soc. 2018, 65, 828.

10.  “Modulating the line shape of magnetoconductance by varying the charge injection in polymer light-emitting diodes”, Nidya Chitraningrum, Ting-Yi Chu, Ping-Tsung Huang, Ten-Chin Wen, and Tzung-Fang Guo, AIP Advances 2018, 8, 025209

11.  “Revealing ordered polymer packing during freeze-drying fabrication of BHJ P3HT:PCBM layer: in-situ optical spectroscopy, molecular-dynamic simulation and X-ray diffraction”, Yu-Bing Lan, Pin-Hao Sher, Cheng-Si Tsao, Cheng-Kuang Lee, Chun-Wei Pao, Ping-Tsung Huang, Chih-I Wu and Juen-Kai Wang,* J. Phy. Chem, C, 2017, 121, 14826

12.  “Controlling the morphology of poly(3-hexylthiophene)/methanofullerene film through a dynamic-cooling and freeze-drying process”, Ping-Tsung Huang,* Cheng-Wei Chou, Bo-Yu Lin, Zhong-En Shi, Yu-Jui Huang, Chin-Ti Chen,* Chao-Han Cheng and Juen-KaiWang, Polym Int. 2016, 65, 66

13.  “Homogenized poly(3-hexylthiophene)/methanofullerene film by addition of end-funtionalized compatibilizer and its application to polymer solar cells”, Ping-Tsung Huang,* Yi-Hao Chen, Bo-Yu Lin, Wei-Ping Chuang, Int.J. Photoenergy 2015, V2015, Article ID 762532

14.  Photoluminescence Study on Charge Transfer Behavior of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) and PCBM blends“, Ping-Tsung Huang*, Po-Fang Huang,Yu-Jei Horng, Chien-Pai Yang, J. Chin. Chem Soc., 2013, 60, 467

15.  “Stabilization of poly(3-hexylthiophene)/PCBM morphology by hydroxyl group end-functionalized P3HT and its application to polymer solar cells”, Yi-Hao Chen, Ping-Tsung Huang,* Keng-Ching Lin, Yu-Jui Huang, Chin-Ti Chen*, Org. Electron., 2012, 13, 283.

16.  “Effect of [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester on the morphology of poly(3-hexylthiophene) film”, Cheng-Wei Chou, Yao-Sheng Chang, Ping-Tsung Huang*, Polym. Int., 2012, 61, 560.

17.  The Effect of Controlled Dopant Concentration on the Performance of Blue Polymer Light-emitting Diodes”, Ping-Tsung Huang*, Cheng-Wei Chou, Mei-Ying Chang, Wen-Yao Huang, Chih-Chien Lee, Yu-Kai Han, Shun-Wei Liu, J. Chin. Chem. Soc. 2011, 58, 326.

18.  “Preparation of Porous Poly(3-hexylthiophene) by Freeze-dry Method and Its Application to Organic Photovoltaics”, Ping-Tsung Huang*, Yao-Sheng Chang, Cheng-Wei Chou, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2011, 122, 233

19.  “Effect of methyl substituents on the N-diaryl rings of anthracene-9,10-diamine derivatives for OLEDs applications”, Yuan-Hsiang Yu,* Chien-Hsun Huang, Jui-Ming Yeh, Ping-Tsung Huang, Org. Electron., 2011, 12, 694.

20.  “Sterically Encumbered Poly(arylene ether)s Containing Spiro-Annulated Substituents: Synthesis and Thermal Properties”, Wen Y. Huang,* M. Y. Chang, Y. K. Han, P. T. Huang, J. Polym. Sci. Polym. Chem., 2010, 48, 5872.

21.  “Aggregation and Gelation Effects on the Performance of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) /Fullerene Solar Cells”, W. Y. Huang,* P. T. Huang, Y. K. Han, C. C. Lee, T. L. Hsieh, and M. Y. Chang, Macromolecules, 2008, 41, 7485

22.   Studies on the Conducting Nanocomposite prepared by in-situ polymerization of aniline monomers in a Neat ( aqueous ) Synthetic Mica Clay”, Chia-Sheng Wu, Ying-Jie Huang, Tar-Hwa Hsieh, Ping-Tsung Huang, Bi-Zen Hsieh,Yu-Kai Han, Ko-Shan Ho,* J. Polym. Sci. Polym. Chem., 2008, 46, 1800

23.   “Effect of Nonconjugated Polymers on the Conjugation Length and Structure of Poly(3-octylthiophene) in Ternary Polymer Blend”, Ying-Jie Huang, Tar-Hwa Hsieh, Yen-Zen Wang, Ching-Nan Chuang, Ya-Ping Chen, Ping-Tsung Huang, Ko-Shan Ho,* J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2007, 104, 773

24.   “Electrical and optical simulation of organic light-emitting devices with fluorescent dopant in the emitting layer”, Chih-Chien Lee,* Mei-Ying Chang, Ping-Tsung Huang, Yen Chun Chen, and Yih Chang, Shun-Wei Liu, J. Appl. Phys., 2007, 101, 114501

25.   “Novel Poly(arylene ether)s Containing Multi-substituted Pentaphenylene Moiety”, B. R. Liaw, Wen-Yao Huang,* P. T. Huang, M. Y. Chang, Y. K. Han, Polymer, 2007, 48, 7087

26.  “Effects of Acidity and Hydrolysis on the UV and Fluorescence Spectra of   Poly(2- acetylamino-1, 4-phenylene) and its Copolymers in Acidic Solutions”, W. Y. Huang,* P. T. Huang, M. Y. Chang, B. R. Liaw, Y. K. Han, J. Appl. Polym. Sci,. 2007, 106, 1806

27.  "Numerical Simulation of Electrical Model for Organic Light-Emitting Devices    with Fluorescent Dopant in the Emitting Layer", Chih-Chien Lee*, Yeung-Dong Jong, Ping-Tsung Huang, Yen Chun Chen, Peir-Jy Hu and Yih Chang, Jap. J. Appl. Phys. 2005, 44, 8147

28.   “Blends of Nylon-6 with Phenol-Containing Polymers”, P. T. Huang, T. K. Kwei, E. M. Pearce, S. V. Levchik, J. Polym. Sci. Part A. Polymer Chemistry, 2001, 39, 841–850

29.   “Modification of Nylon 6 by Phenol-Containing Polymers”, P. T. Huang, J. L. Lee, S. C. Chiu, T. K. Kwei, E. M. Pearce. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 1999, 73, 295-300.

30.   “The Relationship Between Dielectric and Rheological Behavior of Epoxy Resin During Cure”, J.Y. Chen, P. T. Huang, S. N. Lee, J. Polym. Res. 1994, 1, 183

31.  Dielectric Behavior of Epoxy Resin During Cure: A Vector Voltage Study”, S. N. Lee, Y. H. Liao, P. T. Huang, J. L. Lee, Polym. Eng. Sci. 1990, 30, 219



1.”低氯離子含量之環氧樹脂及其製造方法與應用”, 黃建勳, 程博達, 陳忠吾, 黃奇安, 郭肇中, 黃炳綜, 洪鈺婕, 2014, 台灣專利I457357(塑膠中心).

2. “具有疏水層之有機發光面板”, 鄭同昇,蘇怡帆,林燕華,黃炳綜,段繼賢, 2009, 台灣專利I315646 (錸寶科技).

3. “有機發光裝置”, 黃炳綜,許秀治, 2008,台灣專利I297354(錸寶科技)

4. “白光有機電激發光元件”, 黃炳綜,許秀治,張美濙,陳招廷,韓于凱, 2007, 台灣專利I288578(錸寶科技).

5. “有機發光裝置用下基板”, 黃炳綜,侯喬閔,周家鳳,陳招廷,張嘉文, 2007, 台灣專利I278251(錸寶科技).

6. “有機電激發光元件及其製作方法”, 黃炳綜,許秀治, 2006, 台灣專利I256859 (錸寶科技).

7. “有機電激發光元件及其封裝方法”,黃炳綜,許秀治, 2006, 台灣專利 I246869 (錸寶科技).

8. ”具有疏水層之有機發光面板”, 鄭同昇,盧添榮,蘇怡帆,林燕華,黃炳綜,段繼賢,蔣奇峰, 2005,台灣專利 I234414(錸寶科技).

9. “有機電激發光元件之封裝結構及其製程, 黃炳綜,蕭夏彩,韓于凱,鄭同昇,林燕華, 2004, 台灣專利 2051821(錸寶科技).