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2001.9~2005.6   ¾Ç¤h            °ê¥ß¥xÆW®v½d¤j¾Ç¤Æ¾Ç¨t

2005.9~2007.7   ºÓ¤h            °ê¥ß¥xÆW¤j¾Ç¤Æ¾Ç©Ò

2009.9~2013.11  ³Õ¤h            ²üÄõµÜ¹y¤j¾Ç¤Æ¾Ç©Ò


2007.8~2008.6¹ê²ß±Ð®v    °ê¥ß¤¤©M°ª¯Å¤¤¾Ç

2008.8~2009.7 §U±Ð        °ê¥ß¥xÆW¤j¾Ç¤Æ¾Ç©Ò

2014.1~2015.1  ³Õ¤h«á¬ã¨s    ­^°ê¤û¬z¤j¾Ç¤Æ¾Ç©Ò

2015.5~2015.12¬ã¨s­û     ²»Öö»sÃĪѥ÷¦³­­¤½¥q

2016.2~          §U²z±Ð±Â        »²¤¯¤j¾Ç¤Æ¾Ç¨t


l   2008 48th National and Private High School Science Fair Excellent Work from Ministry of Education R. O. C.

l   2007 Outstanding Graduate Research Poster Award from Department of Chemistry, NTU (awarded to top 20% research excellence)

l   2007 Excellent Oral Presentation Award from Department of Chemistry, NTU (awarded for clarity of oral presentation)

l   2006 Excellent Organic Graduate Research Poster Award from Chinese Chemical Society (awarded to top 15% research posters nationwide)





1.     ¶}µo·s¿o¦X¦¨¤èªk¦X¦¨ÁÞ¹è»Eª«¤ÎÁÞºó¦Xª«¡C

2.     §Q¥Î¦³¾÷¶Ê¤Æ¾¯(organocatalyst)¶i¦æ¤£¹ïºÙ¶Ê¤Æ¤ÏÀ³¡A¦X¦¨­«­n¤ÑµMª«ªº«eÅXª«¡C

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l   2014.11 Oral presentation at National Cheng Kung University

l   2013.09 Oral presentation at Opening of the Paramagnetic NMR Facility Leiden

l   2012.10 Oral presentation at 2012 Annual Meeting of NWO-Chemical Sciences study group meeting for Organic Chemistry & Synthesis

l   2011.04 Oral presentation at National Wageningen symposium


1.        Shih-Ting Ma, Chia-Wei Lee and Wei-Min Liu* ¡§Synthesis of 4-thiol-furanosidic uronate via hydrothiolation reaction¡¨ RSC Adv. 2021, 11, 18409.

2.        Kuan-Hsuan Su, Chin-Teng Wu, Shang-Wei Lin, Seiji Mori, Wei-Min Liu*, and Hsiao-Ching Yang* ¡§Calculation of CYP450 protein¡Vligand binding and dissociation free energy paths¡¨ J. Chem. Phys. 2021, 155, 025101.

3.        W.-L. Chen; S.-T. Ma; Y.-W. Chen; Y.-C. Chao; A.-C. Chan; L.-H. Tu* and W.-M. Liu* ¡§A Fluorogenic Molecule for Probing Islet Amyloid Using Flavonoid as a Scaffold Design¡¨ Biochemistry 2020, 59, 1482-1492.

4.        ¸âÀõºö, ªL«~Ûr, ¼Bºû¥Á*, §ù¬Â¼_* ¡§¿Ã¥ú¤p¤À¤l¥Î©ó°»´úÃþ¾ý¯»³J¥Õ»E¶°¡¨ ¤Æ¾Ç 2020¦~¡A²Ä¤C¤Q¤K¨÷¡A35-47 ­¶

5.        Miao, Q.; Liu, W.-M.; Kock, T.; Blok, A.J.; Timmer, M.; Overhand, M. & Ubbink, M¡¯ ¡§A double-armed, hydrophilic, transition metal complex as paramagnetic NMR probe¡¨ Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 131, 13227-13234. 

6.        Y.Y. Dong; H. Wang; A.C.W. Pike; S.A. Cochrane; S. Hamedzadeh; F.J. Wyszyński; S.R. Bushell; S.F. Royer; D.A. Widdick; A. Sajid; H.I. Boshoff; Y. Park; R. Lucas; W-M. Liu; S.S. Lee; T. Machida; S. Mehmood; K. Belaya; W. Liu; A. Chu; L. Shrestha; S.M. Mukhopadhyay; N. Burgess-Brown; M.J. Bibb; C.E. Barry; C.V. Robinson; D. Beeson; B.G. Davis¡¯ and E.P. Carpenter¡¯ ¡§Structures of DPAGT1 Explain Glycosylation Disease Mechanisms and Advance TB Antibiotic Design¡¨ Cell 2018175, 1045-1058.

7.        Andralojc, W.; Hiruma, Y.; Liu, W. ¡VM,; Ravera E.; Nojiri M.; Parigi G.; Luchinat C. and Ubbink M¡¯ ¡§Identification of productive and futile encounters in an electron transfer protein complex¡§ Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A.2017, 114, E1840-E1847.

8.        Jesika Schilder, Wei-Min Liu, Pravin Kumar, Mark Overhand, Martina Huber and Marcellus Ubbink¡¯ ¡§Protein docking using an ensemble of spin labels optimized by intra-molecular paramagnetic relaxation enhancement¡¨ Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 201618, 5729-5742

9.        Skinner, S. P.; Liu, W. ¡VM.; Hiruma, Y.; Timmer, M.; Blok, A.; Hass, M. A. S.; Ubbink, M.¡¯ ¡§The delicate conformational balance of the redox enzyme cytochrome P450cam¡¨ Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A.2015112, 9022-9027.

10.    Hass, M. A. S.; Liu, W.-M.; Agafonov, R. V.; Otten, R.; Phung, L. A.; Jesika T. Schilder, J. T.; Kern, D.; Ubbink, M.¡¯ ¡§A minor conformation of a lanthanide tag on adenylate kinase characterized by paramagnetic relaxation dispersion NMR spectroscopy¡¨ J. Biomol. NMR 201561, 123-136.

11.    Camacho-Zarco, Aldo R.; Munari, F.; Wegstroth, M.; Liu, W.-M.; Ubbink M.; Becker, S.; Zweckstetter, M¡¯ ¡§Multiple Paramagnetic Effects through a Tagged Reporter Protein¡¨ Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201554, 336-339.

12.    Liu, W. ¡VM.; Overhand, M.; Ubbink, M.¡¯ ¡§The application of paramagnetic lanthanoid ions in NMR spectroscopy on proteins¡¨ Coord. Chem. Rev. 2014273, 2-12.

13.    Liu, W. ¡VM.; Skinner, S. P.; Timmer, M.; Blok, A.; Filippov, D.; Overhand, M.; Ubbink, M.¡¯ ¡§A two-armed lanthanoid-chelating paramagnetic NMR probe linked to proteins via thioether linkages¡¨ Chem. Eur. J. 201420, 6256-6258.

14.    Hiruma, Y.; Hass, M. A. S.; Kikui, Y.; Liu, W. ¡VM.; Olmez, B.; Skinner, P. S.; Blok, A.; Kloosterman, A.; Koteishi, H.; Loehr, F.; Schwalbe, H.; N­ojiri, M.; Ubbink, M.¡¯ ¡§The Structure of the Cytochrome P450cam-Putidaredoxin Complex Determined by Paramagnetic NMR Spectroscopy and Crystallography¡¨ J. Mol. Biol., 2013, 22, 4353-4365.

15.    Guan, J.-Y.; Keizers, P. H. J.; Liu, W. ¡VM.; Loehr, F.; Skinner, S. P.; Heeneman, E. A.; Schwalbe, H.; Ubbink, M.¡¯ and Siegal, G. D.¡¯ ¡§Small molecule binding sites on proteins established by paramagnetic NMR spectroscopy¡¨ J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013135, 5859-5868.

16.    Liu, W. ¡VM.; Keizers, P. H. J.; Hass, M. A. S.; Blok, A.; Timmer, M.; Sarris, A. J. C.; Overhand, M.; Ubbink, M.¡¯ ¡§A pH-sensitive, Colorful, Lanthanide-chelating Paramagnetic NMR Probe¡¨ J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012134, 17306-17313.

17.    Dasgupta, S.; Hu, X.; Keizers, P. H. J.; Liu, W. ¡VM.; Luchinat, C.; Nagulapalli, M.; Overhand, M.; Parigi, G.; Sgheri, L.; Ubbink, M.¡¯ ¡§Narrowing the conformational space sampled by two domain proteins with paramagnetic probes in both domains¡¨ J. Biomol. NMR 201151, 253-263.


Book Chapter:

Ru-Yi Youh, Po-Yen Chen, Yen-Cheng Chao, Di-Hua Luo, Hao-Hsiang Chang, Yu-Ling Chang, Wei-Min Liu*, Dean Chou*; Chapter 9: Biomarkers and Applications in Alzheimer¡¦s Disease ¡§Frontiers in Nanobiotechnology Vol. 1, Advances in Biosensing Technology for Medical Diagnosis¡¨ Benthem Book