游源祥 教授 |
通訊處 |
辦公室電話: (02)2905-3574 實驗室電話: (02)2905-3585 |
學經歷 |
輔仁大學化學系教授(2021.8~) 輔仁大學化學系副教授(2015.8~2021.7) 輔仁大學化學系助理教授(2011.8~2015.7) 蘭陽技術學院助理教授(2003.10~2011.7) 中原大學化學系兼任助理教授(2002.2~2002.7) 東元奈米應材(股)公司經理(1997.6~2003.9) 臺灣大學化學所 博士(1990.9~1995.6) 輔仁大學化學系 學士(1986.9~1990.6) |
獲獎經歷 |
輔仁大學產學合作獎勵(100學年度) 輔仁大學產學合作獎勵(101學年度) 輔仁大學教師教學績優獎(101學年度) 輔仁大學理工學院提昇學術研究績效-產學達人獎勵(101學年度) 輔仁大學教師教學績優獎(103學年度) 科技部獎勵特殊優秀人才獎勵(104 學年度) 輔仁大學理工學院教學績優教師(106學年度) 科技部獎勵特殊優秀人才獎勵(106 學年度) 科技部獎勵特殊優秀人才獎勵(107 學年度) 科技部獎勵特殊優秀人才獎勵(108 學年度) 科技部獎勵特殊優秀人才獎勵(109 學年度) 輔仁大學教師教學績優獎(110學年度) 科技部獎勵特殊優秀人才獎勵(110 學年度) |
學術專長 |
高分子奈米複合材料、光電材料 |
研究領域 |
l Materials Science l Polymer Nanocomposites l Graphene-based Nanocomposites l Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials l Materials of Optoelectronics
「高分子奈米複合材料」實驗室~主要研究方向在各種奈米複合材料的合成、物性研究與應用。目前主要研究重點在高分子/石墨烯奈米複合材料、以及功能性分子/石墨烯混成材料的合成與應用,利用層狀石墨烯優異的電性質、機械性質、熱傳導性、阻氣性質、….等,開發具功能性的奈米複合材料。另外,其他高分子奈米複合材料,如: 高分子/黏土、高分子/二氧化矽等奈米複合材料亦有研究。研究以高分子奈米複合材料、靜電紡絲奈米複合纖維材料、導電薄膜材料、功能性石墨烯材料為主,應用於防腐蝕塗料、染料敏化太陽能電池、鈣鈦礦太陽能電池、感測材料、光電材料、複合材料…等。
代表著作 |
Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=XBKBKDEAAAAJ&view_op=list_works 1.
Zhong-En Shi, Jian-Yu Long, Chia-Wei Li, Sheng-Yan Hsieh, Yu-Sheng Hsiao,
Chih-Ping Chen* and Yuan-Hsiang Yu*,
“A multifunctional ligand for defect passivation of perovskite film realizes
air-stable perovskite solar cells with efficiencies exceeding 20%,” Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2022, DOI: 10.1039/D1SE01892B. (SCI) 2.
Chi-Jung Chang*, Chieh-Lin
Huang, Yuan-Hsiang Yu, Ming-Chun Teng, Chao-Lung Chiang,
Yan-Gu Lin*, "Electron transfer dynamics and enhanced H2
production activity of hydrangea-like BiOBr/Bi2S3-based
photocatalysts with Cu-complex as a redox mediator," Applied
Surface Science 2022, 576, 151870. (SCI) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2021.151870
(https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1e57bcXa~yzqF) 3.
Neethu Sebastian, Wan-Chin Yu*, Yu-Chung Hu, Deepak
Balram, Yuan-Hsiang Yu*, "Morphological evolution of nanosheets-stacked
spherical ZnO for preparation of GO-Zn/ZnO ternary nanocomposite: A novel
electrochemical platform for nanomolar detection of antihistamine
promethazine hydrochloride," Journal
of Alloys and Compounds 2022,
890, 161768. (SCI) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2021.161768 4.
Zhong-En Shi, Shu-Hao Liu,
Chih-Hung Tsai*, Chia-Wei Li, Chih-Ping Chen*, Yuan-Hsiang Yu*, "Enhancing charge transport
performance of perovskite solar cells by using reduced graphene
oxide-cysteine/nanogold hybrid material in the active layer," FlatChem, 2021, 28, 100254. (SCI) https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1d7Xf8jb7eOPEH 5.
Li, Fa-Shan Wang, Yu-Chia Lai, Zhong-En Shi, Yuan-Hsiang Yu*,
“Flexible Epoxy Graphene Thermoset with Excellent Weather and Corrosion
Resistance,” Progress in Organic Coatings 2021, 151,
106052. (SCI) 6.
Yuan-Hsiang Yu*, Wun-Shiuan
Wang, Yu-Chung Hu, Xiao-Yuan Lin, Chih-Hung Tsai, Chun-Jyun Shih, Wei-Chih
Huang, Shie-Ming Peng, and Gene-Hsiang Lee, “A frontier Zn- and N-rich complex
grafted onto reduced graphene oxide for electrocatalyst of dye-sensitized
solar cells,” Dalton
2020, 49, 9035 - 9047. (SCI) 7. Neethu Sebastian, Wan-Chin Yu*, Yu-Chung Hu, Deepak Balram, Yuan-Hsiang Yu*, “Sonochemical synthesis of iron-graphene oxide/honeycomb-like ZnO ternary nanohybrids for sensitive electrochemical detection of antipsychotic drug chlorpromazine,” Ultrasonics – Sonochemistry 2019, 59, 104696. (SCI) 8. Yuan-Hsiang Yu*, Wun-Shiuan Wang, Yu-Chung Hu, Chih-Hung Tsai, Chun-Jyun Shih, Wei-Chih Huang, Shie-Ming Peng, and Gene-Hsiang Lee, “A study of novel macrocyclic copper complex/graphene-based composite materials for counter electrodes of dye-sensitized solar cells,” Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society 2019, 66 (9), 996-1007. (SCI). special issue paper. (Special issue dedicated to Prof. Shih‐Ming Peng's 70th birthday) 9.
Chih-Hung Tsai*, Shiao-Long Shiu, Wei-Chung Lin, Yu-Ru Chou, Yuan-Hsiang Yu, “Synthesis of
reduced graphene oxide/macrocyclic ytterbium complex nanocomposites and their
application in the counter electrodes of dye-sensitized solar cells,” Organic
Electronics 2019, 64, 166-175. (SCI) 10.
Ming-Chia Tsai, Chung-Ru Yang, Jen-Hao Tsai, Yuan-Hsiang Yu* and PingTsung Huang*, “Enhanced Corrosion
Protection of Iron by Poly(3hexylthiophene)/Poly(styrene-co-hydroxystyrene)
Blends,” Coatings 2018, 8(11), 383. (SCI) 11.
Chih-Hung Tsai*, Chun-Jyun
Shih, Wun-Shiuan Wang, Wen-Feng Chi, Wei-Chih Huang, Yu-Chung Hu, Yuan-Hsiang Yu, “Fabrication
of reduced graphene oxide/macrocyclic cobalt complex nanocomposites as
counter electrodes for Pt-free dye-sensitized solar cells,” Applied
Surface Science 2018, 434, 412-422. (SCI) 12.
Chih-Hung Tsai*, Chun-Jyun
Shih, Yu-Ru Chou, Wen-Feng Chi, Wei-Chih Huang, Yuan-Hsiang Yu, “Preparation of reduced graphene
oxide/macrocyclic manganese complex composite materials as counter electrodes
in dye-sensitized solar cells,” Organic Electronics 2018, 52,
51-60. (SCI) 13.
Chih-Hung Tsai*, Wei-Chih
Huang, Wun-Shiuan Wang, Chun-Jyun Shih, Wen-Feng Chi, Yu-Chung Hu, Yuan-Hsiang Yu*, “Reduced
graphene oxide/macrocyclic iron complex hybrid materials as counter
electrodes for dye-sensitized solar cells,” J Colloid Interf Sci 2017,
495, 111-121. (SCI) 14.
Yuan-Hsiang Yu*, I-Jang Teng, Yu-Chien Hsu, Wei-Chih Huang,
Chun-Jyun Shih, Chih-Hung Tsai*, “Covalent bond-grafted soluble
poly(o-methoxyaniline)-graphene oxide composite materials fabricated as
counter electrodes of dye-sensitised solar cells,” Organic
Electronics 2017, 42, 209-220. (SCI) 15.
W. F. Ji, C. W. Li, W. J. Huang, H. K. Yu, R. D. Chen, Y. H. Yu, J. M. Yeh*, W. C.
Tang, Y.C. Su, “Composite coating with synergistic effect of biomimetic epoxy
thermoset morphology and incorporated superhydrophobic silica for corrosion
protection,” eXPRESS Polymer Letters
2016, 10 (11), 950–963. (SCI) 16.
Chih-Hung Tsai*, Wei-Chih
Huang, Yu-Chien Hsu, Chun-Jyun Shih, I-Jang Teng, Yuan-Hsiang Yu*, “Poly(o-methoxyaniline) doped with an organic acid
as cost-efficient counter electrodes for dye-sensitized solar cells,” Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 213, 791-801. (SCI) 17.
Yuan-Hsiang Yu*, Wen-Feng Chi, Wei-Chih Huang,
Wun-Shiuan Wang, Chun-Jyun Shih, Chih-Hung Tsai*, High-efficiency Counter Electrodes Using Graphene Hybrid with Macrocyclic Nickel Complex
for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Organic Electronics 2016,
31, 207-216. (SCI) 18.
Yuan-Hsiang Yu*, Chih-Chieh Chan, Yu-Chia Lai,
Yan-Yu Lin, Ying-Chieh Huang, Wen-Feng Chi, Che-Wei Kuo, Hsui-Mei Lin and
Pao-Chun Chen, Biocompatible Electrospinning
Poly(vinyl alcohol) Nanofibres Embedded with Graphene-based Derivatives with
Enhanced Conductivity, Mechanical Strength and Thermal Stability. RSC Adv.,
2014, 4 (99), 56373 – 56384.
(SCI) 19.
Yuan-Hsiang Yu*, Yan-Yu
Lin, Chia-Hsuan Lin, Chih-Chieh Chan and Ying-Chieh Huang, “High-performance
polystyrene/graphene-based nanocomposites with excellent anti-corrosion
properties,” Polymer Chemistry 2014, 5, (2), 535-550. (SCI) (2014's most accessed Polymer Chemistry
articles) 20.
Hsuan-Ching Lin, Cherng-Yuh
Su, Yuan-Hsiang Yu and
Chung-Kwei Lin, “Non-catalytic and
Substrate-free method to titania-doped W18O49 Nanorods:
Growth, Characterizations, and Electro-optical Properties,” Journal of Nanoparticle Research,
2012, 14(1), 665. (SCI) 21.
Chih-Wei Peng, Chien-hua
Hsu, Kun-Hsien Lin, Pei-Ling Li, Yen
Wei, Jui-Ming Yeh*, Yuan Hsiang Yu*,
“Electrochemical Corrosion Protection Studies of Aniline-Capped Aniline Trimer-Based Electroactive
Polyurethane Coatings,” Electrochimica Acta, 2011,
58, 614-620. (SCI) 22.
Yu*, Chien-Hsun Huang, Jui-Ming Yeh, Ping-Tsung Huang,
“Effect of methyl substituents on the N-diaryl rings of
anthracene-9,10-diamine derivatives for OLEDs applications,” Organic Electronics, 2011, 12, 694–702.
(SCI) 23.
Wei-I. Hung, Chang-Jian Weng, Kuan-Yeh Huang, Pei-Shan Wu, Jiun-Kuang
Dai,Ya-Han Chang, Mei-Hui Tsai, Jui-Ming Yeh*, and Yuan-Hsiang Yu*, “Compatibility
Enhancement of Polyimide–Silica Hybrid Sol–Gel Materials Without
Incorporation of Silane-Coupling Agent,” Journal of Nanoscience
and Nanotechnology, 2011, 11(4), 3454-3463.
(SCI) 24.
Kuan-Yeh Huang,
Yu-Sian Jhuo, Pei-Shan Wu, Chieh-Hisen Lin, Yuan-Hsiang Yu, Jui-Ming Yeh,
“Electrochemical studies for the electroactivity of
amine-capped aniline trimer on the anticorrosion effect of as-prepared
polyimide coatings,” European Polymer Journal, 2009, 45(2), 485-493. (SCI) 25.
Kuan-Yeh Huang, Chang-Jian Weng, Su-Yin Lin, Yuan-Hsiang Yu, Jui-Ming Yeh,
Preparation and anticorrosive properties of
hybrid coatings based on epoxy-silica hybrid materials,” Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2009, 112, 1933-1942. (SCI, EI) 26.
Kung-Chin Chang, Hsin-Hua Huang, Mei-Chun Lai, Chih-Bing Hung,
Brojogopal Chand, Jui-Ming Yeh, and Yuan-Hsiang
Yu, “Comparative
Electrochemical Studies at Different Operational Temperatures for the Effect
of Nanoclay Platelets on the Anticorrosion Efficiency of Organo-Soluble
Polyimide/Clay Nanocomposite Coatings,” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2009, 9,
3125–3133. (SCI) 27.
Kung-Chin Chang, Shih-Ting
Chen, Hui-Fen Lin, Chang-Yu Lin, Hsin-Hua Huang,
Jui-Ming Yeh and Yuan-Hsiang
Yu, “Effect of clay on the corrosion protection efficiency of
PMMA/Na+-MMT clay nanocomposite
coatings evaluated by electrochemical measurements,” European Polymer Journal 2008, 44, 13-23.
(SCI) 28.
Kung-Chin Chang, Hui-Fen Lin,
Chang-Yu Lin, Jui-Ming Yeh, Jen-Chang Yang, Yuan-Hsiang Yu, “Effect of Amino-Modified Silica
Nano-Particles on the Corrosion Protection Properties of Epoxy Resin-Silica
Hybrid Materials,” Journal of
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2008,
8, 3040-3049. (SCI) 29.
Yuan-Hsiang Yu, Cheng-Yuan Lai,
Chi-Lun Chen, Jui-Ming Yeh, “Durable Electrochromic Coatings Prepared from Electronically Conductive Poly(3HT-co-3TPP)-Silica
Hybrid Materials,” Journal of
Electronic Materials, 2006,
35, 1571~1580. (SCI, EI). 30.
Jui-Ming Yeh, Chi-Lun Chen, Chao-Chen Huang, Shia-Chung Chen, Pao-Lin
Su, Chih-Che Kuo, Jui-Ting Hsu, Boyang Chen, Yuan-Hsiang Yu, “Effect of Organoclay on the Thermal
Stability, Mechanical Strength and Surface Wettability of Injection-Molded
ABS-Clay Nanocomposite Materials Prepared by Melt Intercalation,” Journal of
Applied Polymer Science, 2006, 99, 1576-1582. (SCI, EI) 31.
Jui-Ming Yeh, Hisu-Yin Huang, Chi-Lun Chen, Wen-Fen Su, Yuan-Hsiang Yu,
“Siloxane-Modified Epoxy Resin/Clay Nanocomposite Materials with Advanced
Anticorrosive Properties Prepared From Solution Approach,” Surface & coatings
2006, 200,
2753-2763. (SCI, EI) 32.
Jui-Ming Yeh, Chang-Jian Weng, Kuan-Yeh Huang, Hsi-Ya Huang, Yuan-Hsiang Yu, Chung-Hung
Yin, "Thermal and optical properties of PMMA-titania hybrid materials
prepared by sol-gel approach with HEMA as coupling agent," Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2004, 94, 400-405. (SCI, EI) 33.
Jui-Ming Yeh, Shir-Joe Liou, Mei-Chun Lai, Yu-Wen Chang, Cheng-Yu Huang,
Chen-Ping Chen, Jenn-Huey Jaw, Tsung-Yen Tsai, Yuan-Hsiang Yu, "Comparative studies of the
properties of poly(methyl methacrylate)-clay nanocomposite materials prepared
by in situ emulsion polymerization and solution dispersion," Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2004, 94, 1936-1946. (SCI, EI) 34.
Yuan-Hsiang Yu, Jui-Ming Yeh,
Shir-Joe Liou , Chi-Lun Chen, Der-Jang Liaw, Hsin-Yi Lu, “Preparation and Properties of
Polyimide-Clay Nanocomposite Materials for Anticorrosion Application,” J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2004, 92,
3573-3582. (SCI, EI) 35.
Jui-Ming Yeh, Shir-Joe Liou, Chih-Guang Lin, Yen-Po Chang, Yuan-Hsiang Yu, Chi-Feng
Cheng, “Effective Enhancement of Anticorrosive Properties of Polystyrene by
Polystyrene-Clay Nanocomposite Materials,” J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2004, 92, 1970-1976. (SCI,
EI) 36.
Jui-Ming Yeh, Chi-Lun Chen, Tai-Hung Kuo, Wen-Fen Su, His-Ya
Huang, Der-Jang Liaw, Hsin-Yi Lu, Chi-Fong Liu, Yuan-Hsiang Yu “ Preparation and Properties of (BATB-ODPA)
Polyimide/Clay Nanocomposite Materials,” J.
Appl. Polym. Sci., 2004, 92, 1072-1079. (SCI, EI) 37.
Jui-Ming Yeh, Chi-Lun Chen, Yen-Chen Chen, Chin-Yi Ma,
Hsi-Ya Huang, Yuan-Hsiang Yu,
“Enhanced Corrosion Prevention Effect of Polysulfone-Clay Nanocomposite
Materials Prepared by Solution Dispersion,” J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2004, 92, 631-637. (SCI, EI) 38.
Yuan-Hsiang Yu, Chien-Chih Jen,
Hsiu-Ying Huang, Pei-Chi Wu, Chao-Cheng Huang, Jui-Ming Yeh, “Preparation and
Properties of Heterocyclically Conjugated Poly(3-hexylthiophene)-Clay
Nanocomposite Materials,” J. Appl.
Polym. Sci., 2004,
91, 3438-3446. (SCI, EI) 39.
Yuan-Hsiang Yu, Ching-Yi Lin,
Jui-Ming Yeh, “Poly(N-vinylcarbazole)-Clay Nanocomposite Materials Prepared
by Photoinitiated Polymerization with Triarylsulfonium Salt as Initiator,” J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2004, 91, 1904-1912. (SCI, EI) 40.
Yuan-Hsiang Yu, Jui-Ming Yeh,
Shir-Joe Liou, Yen-Po Chang, “Organo-Soluble Polyimide (TBAPP-OPDA)/Clay
Nanocomposite Materials with Advanced Anticorrosive Properties Prepared from
Solution Dispersion Technique,” Acta
Materialia, 2004, 52, 475-486. (SCI, EI) 41.
Yuan-Hsiang Yu, Ching-Yi Lin,
Jui-Ming Yeh, Wei-Hsiang Lin, “Preparation and Properties of Poly(vinyl
alcohol)-Clay Nanocomposite Materials,” Polymer, 2003, 44,
3553-3560. (SCI) 42.
Chan, Heng-Qian Liu, Biing-Chiau Tzeng, Yuan-Shyane
You, Shie-Ming Peng, Mengsu Yang and Chi-Ming Che “Syntheses of
Ruthenium(II) Quinonediimine Complexes of Cyclam and Characterization of
Their DNA-Binding Activities and Cytotoxicity,” Inorg. Chem., 2002,
41, 3161-3171. (SCI) 43. Yuan-Shyane You, Gene-Hsiang Lee and Shie-Ming Peng, “Chemical Transformations of (2,3,9,10-Tetramethyl- 1,4,5,7,8,11,12,14-octa-azacyclotetradeca-1,3,8,10- tetraenato)cobalt(II) Perchlorate,” Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 1996, 43, 261-275. (SCI) 44.
Yuan-Shyane You and Shie-Ming Peng, “Bending
of the completely conjugated planar macrocyclic iron(II) complex by
1,10-phenanthroline. The crystal structure of [Fe(II)(C18H18N6)(C |